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Chris O’Donnell15:08:31

Does anyone know of a good way to wrap the lein command that cider uses to jack in with sops? I tried setting cider-lein-command to sops exec-env env-file ‘lein and finishing the quote in cider-lein-parameters, but cider checks that the lein command is an executable, rejecting that.

Chris O’Donnell15:08:06

Oh maybe I could write a wrapper script and set that as the lein command


I think that's the simplest way to do it.


A better long-term solution would be to make CIDER a bit smarter about the command - it can check if it has multiple words in it, split it and check for the presence only of the first part of the command.

👍 1

I wonder why I haven't done this already - probably I was just lazy. 😄


I find these situations almost always easier to just cider-connect. Do whatever you need in the terminal. You can copy the command from a cider-jack-in (it’s in the messages buffer and also at the top of the repl banner). At one point i started making a way for CIDER to copy the startup command easily for you without starting up a repl. I think that would still have a lot of value


Yeah, that'd be useful indeed.