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Evan Z03:08:42

So now I’m using re-frame and reagent, and when I C-x C-e to update a function definition, I don’t see any update in the browser

Evan Z03:08:01

what’s the right way to make this work?

Evan Z03:08:08

I mean I don’t understand exactly how this should work — I think I have to call reagent-dom/render but I’m not sure how you call this ergonomically when working in emacs like this


This is probably a very newbie question, but is there an easy way to get the string representation of a javascript object representing a clojure hashmap? So if I have a hashmap like {:a "value"} it gives me "{a: "value"}" (this is for generating some javascript from clojure for something very hacky.


in clojurescript you can use clj->js function as (clj->js {:a “value”})


`❯ clj -A:cljs -M -m cljs.main -re node -r
ClojureScript 1.10.773
cljs.user=> (.stringify js/JSON (clj->js {:a 1}))

👍 2

The answer is “turn the cljs object into a js object and then serialize it”


Thank you

Ben Lieberman15:08:07

so I'm 98% sure using for here is totally wrong but also it halfway does what I want it do?

(defn ask-question? [q a]
  (if (= (js/prompt q)

(for [[q a] q-and-a]
  (try (ask-question? q a)
       (catch ExceptionInfo e
         (.log js/console e))))
But instead of letting me capture any output it throws clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo which I can't catch or log for some reason


mixing js/console and clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo sounds very strange


How exactly do you run it? Seems to work just fine for me. Also, no need for an if if you return true or false - you can just return the condition.


Oh, also, yeah. clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo is a Clojure thing, not a ClojureScript thing. So that exception comes from your server, perhaps from the REPL process itself.

Ben Lieberman15:08:37

according to the stack trace map the :type is :js-eval-exception

Ben Lieberman16:08:04

I am using cider-eval-last-sexp


Does a plain (js/prompt "?") work like that? If yes, then whatever Cider does probably can't handle that expression in a for, just like David said outside the thread.

Ben Lieberman16:08:19

@U11BV7MTK @U2FRKM4TW I do get the prompts in the browser, which for whatever reason for causes, but when I tried doseq and some of the others like run it doesn't

Ben Lieberman16:08:36

but also I'm very hazy with the various functions that trigger operations on seqs


@bhlieberman93 for is not a loop it’s a list comprehension thing. You should not use this for side-effects, if you need a imperative loop use something else