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Hi all! I’ve written here about my problem in mid June before, unfortunately I couldn’t find a solution (except for dirty workarounds). The issue is as follows: My codebase contains both Clojure + Java, but the dependency is only clj->java. When compiling using the dev profile, the user.clj is pulled in, transitively referring to all clojure code. For some reason, the Clojure code is compile before Java, causing a ClassNotFoundException. According to what I have read, this should not happen then compiling Java with lein javac. Now I was able to reduce this problem to a simple out-of-the-box project, which I created using a Luminus template, which you can find here: Try running lein javac and the ClassNotFoundException will be thrown. My hope is that someone can spot the issue and fix it. Thank you very much!!!

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I'll try this out in an hour or so.

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Never got to it yet. Still on my TODO


I looked briefly. I’m wishing the repro case wasn’t so loaded with all this luminus template stuff. It does make it harder to reason through. I’ll still give it a bit of an attempt.


In your example, I’m assuming that mycode is the ns in question? in this ns @ there is an (:import com.testapp.test.Test) However, the actual Java class @ is called com.testapp.Test There is an extra “.test.” segment in your :import. I’d think perhaps this is a typo? Am I misreading or not reading the correct places? @U02G3DBJ2SY


Hi @U0LK1552A, thank you so much for looking into this!! Yes, it’s a typo, it should be (:import com.testapp.Test)


And sorry for adding more stuff to the project as really necessary. If you like, I can strip it further down?


Its ok. I'll look a bit more and see.


I’ve been way side tracked this week. I haven’t forgetten about this, but still haven’t been able to look.


Hi Mike, no worries! I am super grateful that you’re willing to invest your time and therefore I’m happy to wait.