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@alandipert: Just the web
ah cool
anyone have experience writing clojure for lambda functions in AWS. Is it even possible? I think it is possible given lambda needs to be written in a language using the jvm...
I think I've seen some articles about that, but I don't have the bookmarks on me. I think using Clojurescript is also a possibility, and might be preferable due to lower startup time.
@kyle_schmidt: it's possible and works pretty well
First Google link seems like a nice introduction -
thanks @jaen @alandipert !
we looked into it for making something like, but then discovered that project existed. so we just deplyoed their node thing
@kyle_schmidt: Looks like Ben Vandgrift / Adam Hunter are giving a talk on using AWS’ Lambda services with clojure at the conj.
Awesome! Thanks @donmullen