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Is there a way to check what’s the in the queue in re-frame to be handled?
argh… the channel is private.
@pupeno: hack it and access it via js namespace re_frame.router.event_chan should work
darwin: actually, ^:private does nothing in ClojureScript anyway 😉
I forgot about it.
Now I still have the problem of wanting to stop and let the router-loop process all events… 😞
nevermind, I thought you want to do something special with events in the channel, pause the loop and process them on your own
and that means I don’t understand your problem, because router will process all events
I want to stop the current function.
I have a function that just dispatched an event, I want it to stop and wait until the events have been processed.
dispatch-sync only dispatches the current event synchronously. The events dispatched by the event handler are asyncronous.
hmm, if you want your function to wait for the results of dispatch, you will have to dispatch synchronously or use some callback mechanism
What do you mean by callback mechanism?
js has no way how to stop function and wait for some async operation, you provide a callback to that async operation, to call you back
but it might be some other mean of calling you back, maybe you want to use another re-frame event handler to receive async “answer"
I still don’t see how can I have a function run my app, gather the results, and return them 😕
This might help understand my problem:
this is not possible, javascript is a single-threaded environment, you cannot stop, you have to return to the js event loop
I see what is your goal in the SO example, getting data and rendering should be decoupled, you should render once you have data in your state
No, that won’t work. First, the result of render-to-string is send to the user, not the result of an arbitrary handler, if I just dispatch another handler, render-to-string will return nil. Second, even if I figure how to workaround that, I dispatch event get-foo and then dispatch event send-to-user, they’ll run in this order: get-foo, send-to-user, got-foo; where send-to-user should be handled after got-foo.
dispatch :get-data, in :get-data handler do AJAX call, when you receive the data, dispatch :got-data which writes data into your app-db, subscribe to app-db to observe for data availability and on change dispatch :render-to-string
render-to-string function will be called from :render-to-string handler which will be called only after/when data is available in your app-db
darwin: but, what data availability should I subscribe for? there’s no single piece of data that shows that it’s done, each person writes apps in a different way.
The app, it’s triggered from some handlers and the result handled in a different handler.
I’m afraid I cannot help here. If the app is a black-box which can do multiple async calls and more in reactions to them, you can be never sure that the app got all data for rendering.
waiting for re-frame channel to be empty is not a robust solution, I think, it will really depend on the app how it does its initial bootstrap
darwin: it’s ok, server pre-rendering of single page applications can have limitations, that’s ok.
so, you can simply do setInterval and check every few hundreds of ms if the channel is empty, and render then
Indeed you can have the app doing something every second… like a js clock… and it wouldn’t make sense to wait until it’s done because that’ll never happen.
darwin: there’s no way to check a channel is empty in core.async, as far as I can tell.
it wouldn’t be a good solution anyways, the app can have some AJAX requests in flight and it wouldn’t be visible in re-frame’s channel
darwin: I think during that time I can check re-frame.handlers/handling, but yes, most likely I’ll have a max time between AJAX requests and max total time defined somewhere.