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I want to share a tool that I’ve been building and using myself — a hot reload tool for serving html/css with just babashka, this can also hot reload server that returns html, as well as htmx (since this tool relies heavily on htmx) If you’ve ever used org.babashka/http-server to serve static html/css before, this has a variant that adds hot reload that you can install directly via bbin

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babashka 8

Hey. First, my feedback. I'm not familiar with babashka, maybe bacause of that, panas.reload doesn't work for me right away. But that's ok. Second, I love the idea of a standalone tool for html hot reloading, so, do you accept pull requests? Third, if yes, I'd like to add support of .edn files, so we could convert and write hiccup instead of html.


I'll gladly accept pull request! @U03RQQ5E8Q1 Standalone tools is a nice idea since this tool currently needs babashka (and bbin) to install and use like a standalone

👍 2

Well, by standalone I mean a jar or a babashka redistributable thing, independent of IDE. There's a live reload plugin for VS Code, but I'd like to edit html or hiccup in emacs. If not hiccup, it could be written in golang and be compiled to a single binary executable without dependencies.


oh, I see! I think babashka project can be made a single executable using this method specified here but I haven’t explored it yet


Oh, that's neat, thanks for the link.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:03:10 0.2.0 - Efficient, functional algorithms for generating lazy sequences for common combinatorial functions • MCOMB-11 - Fix incorrect results, overflow in partitions-M

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