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Any thoughts on using Google Spanner as the transaction/document store?


I imagine it could deliver a nice geo-distributed tx-log with fairly cutting edge low-latency (compared with any other cloud service I can think of), but I suspect the current xtdb-jdbc module design would require reworking a bit to really align with Spanner's internal model and get the full benefit. So if you really value geo-distributed low-latency writes then it might be worth exploring, but more generally speaking I can't imagine it's going to be cost-effective choice until Spanner's pricing drops dramatically.


Pricing isn't an issue for our case. I know a new adapter would need to be written for spanner, but what else might need to change?


Nothing else that I can think of. It really would just be a case of extending/testing/modifying/forking xtdb-jdbc 🙂


Spanner definitely doesn't like incrementing row keys. This is their recommendation for generating sequences: I'll take a look at see if this seems like it might work with XTDB. There's going to be a latency hit, but for our application this is acceptable.


Interesting - I hadn't looked at that page. The asynchronous sequence generator probably could work (not batch though)