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Epidiah Ravachol14:03:56

Today in Adventures in Biffing, Eppy learns once again to occasionally reread the Biff docs just in case the function he's written and rewritten half a dozen times already exists under the guise of biff/lookup-id! šŸ˜…

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Epidiah Ravachol15:03:00

Well, now that I'm digging into the docs again, it looks like the pred-> pattern is one I'm using a lot and the select-ns-as function elegantly solves a problem I've been approaching from a rather awkward angle! This reading the docs thing is the gift that keeps giving!

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Jacob O'Bryant20:03:24

select-ns-as is a very handy function šŸ™‚

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Jacob O'Bryant20:03:05

I've pushed to the dev branch. A bunch of small stuff, much of which is stylistic. I'll cut an official release in a week or so after I've done more stuff. I'm going to upgrade yakread to the dev branch (`7d6c409e3ade18e9a8873d4464af1c287ec90d34`) for the sake of additional testing before release; anyone else is welcome to as well, but there aren't any new features or anything. However you might enjoy reading the commits in that link that say "... in the example project" etc, so you're aware of what new projects will look like at least. e.g. ā€¢ biff/start-system and biff/refresh are now deprecated -- the example project includes the implementations inline now. Makes it easier to see what's going on. ā€¢ Had the example project stop using biff/use-when because it's ugly ā€¢ Also removed biff/use-wrap-ctx from the example project. I realized it was silly to not just have biff/use-jetty merge the system map into incoming requests, so it does that now. ā€¢ Renamed "features" to "plugins" ā€¢ Got rid of the feat bit in namespaces that contain plugins, e.g. is now . I didn't find the distinction between "feature namespaces" and "normal namespaces" to be meaningful in practice. I'd often have namespaces that define a feature map (plugin) but which also contain functions that I wanted to use in other namespaces, and splitting those functions into a separate namespace sometimes felt like overkill. Now the namespace structure for new projects is flat, and you can start nesting things if/when it feels appropriate. ā€¢ Renamed sys, req, and opts in various places to ctx. "context map" is a more general term that encompasses all three, which is handy because they're often merged into a single map. ā€¢ bumped dependencies ā€¢ moved the source files for the docs on into this repo, in the docs folder. (Note that images aren't in this directory). It's easier to make pull requests to docs now, and now there will be a record of what the docs were for each biff version. Next week I'll update docs and start working on a handful of other miscellaneous small things, like adding helper fns for S3. After that the roadmap is: 1. XT-related stuff: I want to make the transaction format more compact and do some refactoring. maybe release it as a standalone lib. 2. production stuff: digitalocean 1-click install, make the server setup script idempotent, make a howto/example for container-based deployment--at least on DO's app platform, and maybe even on DO's managed kubernetes (šŸ˜±) if it doesn't take too much extra effort 3. If I get through that and I don't come up with any more ideas for stuff to work on, I might actually do some work on platypub (or "platypub 2.0" as discussed). either that or I'll just write more docs/howtos/essays/background info stuff. though it would be nice to have platypub in a better place before I start doing more docs work.

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