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- # xtdb (4) I'm getting this same error when I add jepsen ( to my (deps.edn) project, even when I exclude byte-streams/manifold/aleph from the jepsen dep. Using latest versions of aleph (tried the snapshot and 0.4.7) and manifold. Any tips? Here's the deps tree it's showing below Jepsen.
jepsen/jepsen 0.2.6
. org.clojure/data.fressian 1.0.0
. org.clojure/tools.logging 1.2.4 :newer-version
. org.clojure/tools.cli 1.0.206 :newer-version
. spootnik/unilog 0.7.29
. net.logstash.logback/logstash-logback-encoder 6.6
. com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-databind 2.12.0 :newer-version
. com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-annotations 2.12.0
X com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-core 2.12.0 :older-version
. org.slf4j/slf4j-api 1.7.32
. org.slf4j/log4j-over-slf4j 1.7.32
. org.slf4j/slf4j-api 1.7.32
. org.slf4j/jul-to-slf4j 1.7.32
. org.slf4j/slf4j-api 1.7.32
. org.slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j 1.7.32
. org.slf4j/slf4j-api 1.7.32
. ch.qos.logback/logback-classic 1.2.8
. ch.qos.logback/logback-core 1.2.8
. org.slf4j/slf4j-api 1.7.32
. ch.qos.logback/logback-core 1.2.8
. elle/elle 0.1.4
. slingshot/slingshot 0.12.2
. dom-top/dom-top 1.0.7
X hiccup/hiccup 1.0.5 :older-version
. knossos/knossos 0.3.8
. org.clojure/tools.logging 1.2.4
. rhizome/rhizome 0.2.9
. jepsen.txn/jepsen.txn 0.1.2
. io.lacuna/bifurcan 0.1.0
. clj-time/clj-time 0.15.2
. jepsen.txn/jepsen.txn 0.1.2
. knossos/knossos 0.3.8
. org.clojure/math.combinatorics 0.1.6
. potemkin/potemkin 0.4.5
. slingshot/slingshot 0.12.2
. interval-metrics/interval-metrics 1.0.0
. org.clojure/tools.cli 1.0.206
. com.boundary/high-scale-lib 1.0.6
. org.clojars.pallix/analemma 1.0.0
X org.clojure/tools.logging 1.1.0 :older-version
. metametadata/multiset 0.1.1
. clj-ssh/clj-ssh 0.5.14
X org.clojure/tools.logging 0.2.6 :older-version
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.usocket-jna 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.core 0.0.9
X 4.1.0 :older-version
X 4.1.0 :superseded
X 4.1.0 :parent-omitted
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.core 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.sshagent 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.core 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.pageant 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.core 0.0.9
X 4.1.0 :older-version
. 4.1.0
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.core 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.jsch 0.0.9
X com.jcraft/jsch 0.1.49 :older-version
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.core 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch 0.1.53
. gnuplot/gnuplot 0.1.3
X byte-streams/byte-streams 0.2.5-alpha2 :excluded
. http-kit/http-kit 2.5.3
. ring/ring 1.9.5
. ring/ring-core 1.9.5 :newer-version
. ring/ring-codec 1.1.3
. commons-codec/commons-codec 1.15
X commons-io/commons-io 2.10.0 :older-version
. commons-fileupload/commons-fileupload 1.4
X commons-io/commons-io 2.2 :older-version
. crypto-random/crypto-random 1.2.1
. commons-codec/commons-codec 1.15
. crypto-equality/crypto-equality 1.0.0
. ring/ring-devel 1.9.5
. ring/ring-core 1.9.5
X hiccup/hiccup 1.0.5 :older-version
. clj-stacktrace/clj-stacktrace 0.2.8
. ns-tracker/ns-tracker 0.4.0
X org.clojure/tools.namespace 0.2.11 :older-version
X org.clojure/java.classpath 0.3.0 :older-version
. ring/ring-jetty-adapter 1.9.5
. ring/ring-core 1.9.5
. ring/ring-servlet 1.9.5
. org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-server 9.4.44.v20210927
. javax.servlet/javax.servlet-api 3.1.0
. org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-http 9.4.44.v20210927
. org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-io 9.4.44.v20210927
. ring/ring-servlet 1.9.5
. ring/ring-core 1.9.5
X com.hierynomus/sshj 0.32.0 :use-top
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.connector-factory 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.core 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.usocket-jna 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.sshagent 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.pageant 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.sshj 0.0.9
. com.jcraft/jsch.agentproxy.core 0.0.9
. org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on 1.70
X hiccup/hiccup 1.0.5 :older-version
. metametadata/multiset 0.1.1
. org.clojure/algo.generic 0.1.2
. dom-top/dom-top 1.0.7
X riddley/riddley 0.2.0 :excluded
. slingshot/slingshot 0.12.2
. org.clojure/data.codec 0.1.1
. fipp/fipp 0.6.25
. org.clojure/core.rrb-vector 0.1.2
. io.lacuna/bifurcan 0.1.0
I'll take a look later/tomorrow, but off the top of my head, aleph shouldn't be involved, and using a more recent byte-streams should work…
Thanks I can try to get a minimal reproduction this weekend, was just curious if it was anything obvious
@jjttjj OK, after a bit of digging, I found the issue. Jepsen is being deployed to Maven as an uberjar, which means it comes bundled with its own versions of byte-streams and manifold. If you check with clj -Spath
, you can see it precedes the actual manifold dep in the classpath, making later specified lib jars irrelevant.
I once debugged the same issue with Lein, and in that case, it handed off the deps to Maven, and got a set of jars. I don’t recall if Maven or Lein was at fault, but both effectively assume the jars’ classes were disjoint. I’m saddened/annoyed/unsurprised to see tools.deps have the same flaw.
I’ll open an issue with aphyr, in case this isn’t intended behavior, and for you, maybe using a git coordinate, or downloading the jepsen code and using a local coordinate will work?
You can track the issue here:
@U10EC98F5 thank you so much for looking into that I really appreciate it! I was stumped
@jjttjj OK, after a bit of digging, I found the issue. Jepsen is being deployed to Maven as an uberjar, which means it comes bundled with its own versions of byte-streams and manifold. If you check with clj -Spath
, you can see it precedes the actual manifold dep in the classpath, making later specified lib jars irrelevant.
I once debugged the same issue with Lein, and in that case, it handed off the deps to Maven, and got a set of jars. I don’t recall if Maven or Lein was at fault, but both effectively assume the jars’ classes were disjoint. I’m saddened/annoyed/unsurprised to see tools.deps have the same flaw.
I’ll open an issue with aphyr, in case this isn’t intended behavior, and for you, maybe using a git coordinate, or downloading the jepsen code and using a local coordinate will work?