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Is there any way to control the order of a relation within a pull query? e.g. given the following:

  (xt/db node)
    {(:order/_user {:limit 2}) [:xt/id :created]}]
  {:user/id ""})
I can limit the number of customer orders returned, but could I achieve something like (:order/_user {:limit 2 :order-by [:created :desc]})?


I have very much wished to paste a Datalog filter in there, too.


I have a version of pull queries implemented here using subscriptions: which has support for XTDB queries. The implementation already supports using callbacks to dynamically determine a recursion limit and has :xform support but only for leaf attributes currently. The ability to add filtering, ordering, and limiting of collection-valued attributes should be straight forward. If you're interested in that feel free to create an issue :)

nice 2

> is there any way to control the order of a relation within a pull query? As per the other replies you can't do anything quite that sophisticated as things stand today. There might be a way to extend/fork with a little bit more functionality like this without too much trouble :thinking_face:

Michael W22:02:10

I'm having an issue using xtdb-http-client. I have setup a scratch enviroment:

(ns xtdb-remote.xtdb-remote
  "Testing xtdb remote"
  (:require [xtdb.api :as xt]))

(def db (xt/new-api-client ""))

(xt/q (xt/db db)
         `{:find [e]
           :where [[e :xt/id]]})
; => #{[]}
The query I get that returns an empty set:
{:query-id "633b1a80-6d74-497d-b4e4-c402723d585e",
  :started-at #inst "2023-02-23T21:52:40.541-00:00",
  :finished-at #inst "2023-02-23T21:52:40.543-00:00",
  :status :completed,
  :query {:find [xtdb-remote.xtdb-remote/e], :where [[xtdb-remote.xtdb-remote/e :xt/id]]},
  :error nil}
But the same query run from the xtdb web console which works:
{:query-id "153cbad2-b753-4e25-bd0a-bec86a69d6aa",
  :started-at #inst "2023-02-23T21:26:29.325-00:00",
  :finished-at #inst "2023-02-23T21:26:29.326-00:00",
  :status :completed,
  :query {:find [e], :where [[e :xt/id]]},
  :error nil}
How can I avoid the namespacing of the query variables using a remote node? Is there an example of using xt/q for http remote access? Every example of xt/q I can find assumes you have the app and the db co-located.


Hey @UAB2NMK25 we generally against using syntax quoting with ` as it introduces namespaces to the symbols. See also (I haven't tried it) and this previous discussion


I'd normally stick to using regular ' quoting

Michael W22:02:25

I knew I was missing something simple, I manually typed it out and thought it was the backtick, not the '. Thanks for the help.


Ahh, no worries, glad I could help 🙂