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Yehonathan Sharvit18:11:25

What plugins do you guys recommend for clojure code editing and folding?


I've always found indent based folding to work well, since the code is indented anyway


Conjure + Parinfer works for me. I don't really use folding though, so I don't have a plugin for that.

Yehonathan Sharvit10:11:01

Is there a paredit plugin for vim?


I don't use it, but I think there's something called "vim sexprs for regular people" or something like that, by his holyness tpope

Yehonathan Sharvit10:11:36

Yes. This plugin builds on vim-sexp. And I am using it happily


I used parinfer before, then calva which has paredit, and now coming back I don't know how I made parinfer ever work before… Perhaps just timing, since I was working with large maps at that moment, and I just lost context of what level of indentation is right when the whole map didn't fit on the screen. So editing forms with parinfer was very painful counting of parentheses


Now trying to come to grips with the usual sexp plugins

Yehonathan Sharvit18:11:37

I am using guns/im-sexp and vim.o.foldmethod = "expr"

Yehonathan Sharvit18:11:35

But I am missing a few things: 1. Strict parens check 2. Ability to fold nested forms inside a function body


I use the very old, with, works very well. No folding within functions, found that to be overbearing in Go and so never looked for that in Clojure.