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Noah Bogart18:02:19

I'm having a bit of trouble recently where I'll select a bit of text, yank it, move somewhere new, and then press p to paste, and the entire function is pasted in instead


maybe Plug 'machakann/vim-highlightedyank' and :registers can help debug?

👍 3
Noah Bogart18:02:26

has anyone experienced anything like that before?

Noah Bogart18:02:48

it happens rarely enough that i can't pinpoint which plug-in is causing it


you can use :registers to confirm what was yanked


but it sounds like it's an intermittent thing

Noah Bogart20:02:50

interesting, i'll try that, thanks


While we're on the subject of being sure what you yanked, I just stumbled upon this plugin today and installed it, and it's great. It solves a problem I didn't know that I had 😄

Noah Bogart20:02:37

thanks for telling me about :registers, y'all

💯 3

it's also great when you yanked or cut something a few edits back and want to use it again without undo

truestory 3

yeah, registers are great when you plan ahead, though (aside from the + register) i rarely use them anymore since i started using yankring


the key thing is that previous yanks show up in the registers automatically, though using the paste / undo cycle browses them as well


you don't need to plan ahead for them any more than you do when using the yank ring


oh nice. i was thinking of naming registers (`"a`, etc)


right that shows up in the output of :registers too

👍 3
Noah Bogart20:02:29

looks like something is inserting the whole function def into the * register, think it has to do with coc.nvim, but i don't have the time to dig into that, so i'll just use the " register to stay safe