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Conjure v3.1.0 is out! a bunch of things added and fixed, enjoy!

πŸŽ‰ 8

Hey Olical, thanks! Conjure is really cool. I was trying it out a week ago and had a lot of fun. There are two main things from my workflow in fireplace that I couldn't figure out how to replicate though, I'm hoping you could help out. The first is that I frequently uses cqc which brings up a quick command line window. I tried using conjure's log buffer to put random one-off evaluations, but the log buffer isn't in the same namespace as my buffer, so there was enough friction there I couldn't figure out what to do. The second thing I think is just a feature request, although if there's a way to extend conjure in my init.vim that would be great too. Fireplace has a cpr command and I made a cps command, which I use to run tests. Is there any way I could replicate this? Otherwise to run a test I have been putting (clojure.test/test-vars [#'the-test-function']) and evaluating it.


So :ConjureEval (code-here...) may well serve your needs although I appreciate that it isn't a buffer.


I normally just write it into the buffer in question (either in the file then deleted or a comment)


There's already test mappings that will run the test under your cursor, the namespace or the -test variant of your namespace name (for testing while you evaluate the source)


They're under the <prefix>t prefix


You can always create your own mappings that call through to ConjureEval though!


That'll eval within the right namespace context.


<prefix>tc will evaluate the current test under your cursor (anywhere in the form) for example. Where <prefix> defaults to localleader.


Awesome info, thanks a lot. I will give that a shot.


i just started using and i'm enjoying it! i tend to create a lot of mappings that are organized by prefix, e.g. <leader>g followed by another key to do git-related things, like <leader>gb for :Gblame (via fugitive) etc. another example is <leader>b for buffer-related commands (`<leader>bd` to delete the current buffer, etc.) vim-which-key allows me to mindlessly type <leader>g or <leader>b and then wait half a second, and it shows me all of the mappings i have set up that begin with those two keys, so i can browse what sorts of things i can do and then pick the one i want the big win here, in my mind, is that i often set up useful mappings and then completely forget about them. by putting them in front of my face on a regular basis, i can remind myself of what mappings i've made available and remember that i have them at my disposal (if you've used spacemacs, this is a lot like what you get when you press the space key)

😎 4

i was initially turned off by the default display, which is just to show you the command that would run instead of a description of it, but vim-which-key does allow you to provide descriptions of each binding so that you can understand them faster at a glance


here's a screenshot

❀️ 8

I use which-key too - it's great!


Great! I'll use it ☺️