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what do the coc.nvim users do for linting? I want to try out clj-kondo which only works with ALE (and then I could use joker too) from what I can gather. Can ALE work nicely with coc.nvim without adding a lot of overhead? I would just want ALE for this linting and not it's other capabilities. What I really want would be the ability to just have the linter off by default and then be able to turn it on with a shortcut. I hate having it linting as I'm exploring and developing. I can't figure that out with coc.nvim and clojure-lsp without losing all it's other autocompletion capabilities but was thinking I can do what with ALE (turn off and on) while coc.nvim just keeps on chugging along.


@chase-lambert you can also just use clj-kondo from the command line or write a small script yourself to invoke it guess. can't help with the last bit, as I don't know vim 🙂


Yeah that's the current plan until I figure it out. I would love to have it integrated into the editor though so I can be right at the problem immediately. I just can't stand linters yelling at me in real time as I'm writing functions and such though.


@chase-lambert what might also work is turning all linters off in the config and when you're ready, swap it with a config that turns stuff on again


you can also only disable the most annoying linters 😉


I'll check into it but I think my search will continue until I just find an easy way to create a keyboard leader shortcut to turn the linter on and off. I'm imagining I can do so with ALE and that way coc.nvim never gets bothered and is always still running. Most advice seems to default to having the plugin running and then toggling it off but I want the reverse.


Not super high priority, just something I was curious if any other vimmers had got set up

👍 4

I'll try and share my compiler tomorrow


It's in my dotfiles


(I promised borkdude I'd contribute to the wiki after I'd moved house)


awesome. Thanks!


does anyone know how to set the scope of a fireplace connection to something else automatically?


my use case is that I have a separate library of code that I symlink into my dev/ directory so that I can keep it out of the main repo


the problem is, when I edit the code in there, vim resolves the paths to their absolute versions and they're not under it's connection scope


If I manually run :Connect and add a common base dir (like my home dir) as a scope, I'm able to evaluate code


I was just hoping that there might be some config option or something that could be set to adjust this without having to re-set it up every time I launch vim