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When i render (dom/div #js {} #js {}) I get "1113 Uncaught Invariant Violation: Objects are not valid as a React child "
I wonder if there's something I can pass to figwheel-reload-hook that would reset react
I think you probably want something more like (dom/div #js {} []) - where the second argument is an empty array.
(I'm used to looking at it in style, so maybe I'm getting that wrong, but the second arg is a list of elements to nest I think)
Or is the problem more that you don't want syntax errors to kill your session?
i tried
(defn figwheel-reload-hook []
(log/info "figwheel-reload-hook")
(set! (.-innerHTML (js/document.getElementById "app")) "")
(reset! core/app (uc/mount @core/app ui/Root "app"))
We use boot-reload, but I think we've had the same issue, especially when messing around with lifecycle methods I think - can get in a state where the only way to get back to a good state is just refreshing.