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So, with the new reagent 6.0, subscriptions are executed asynchronously? Is re-frame going to use the track
Don’t think there’s any plans for switching to it immediately, it’s pretty similar to what we do already in re-frame, and I’m not sure how it would work with dynamic subscriptions
If there was a benefit to switching would be happy to hear it though
@seantempesta: there's no change to the way that subscriptions happen in 6.0, other than they will be de-duplicated which is really just an under-the-covers efficiency thing. subscriptions have always been asynchronous, and that contniues.
is sugar over reaction
. But we won't be using it.
We're looking at adding a more re-frame specific sugar if we get it right you don't even have to know about track
or reaction
Hey guys, just about ot get started with our first re-frame app. Is there a good resource outside of the documentation on how to “get started”?
(the docs are incredible, but just curious if there is anything else out there too to supplement)
@erichmond: would a couple of tiny apps that use the lein re-frame-template help? &
I found it was not too intimidating to make a bare-bones lein re-frame-template app, and just start adding slots to default-db
in db.cljs, add subscriptions to those slots in subs.cljs, make bigger views in views.cljs and matching handlers in handlers.cljs
My only big obstacle with using re-frame-template was that it used Figwheel as a backend when you request it add Compjure via +handler
, and for someone who's never set up their own http-kit/Ring/Compojure server, it was a lot of work to figure out how to get that going.
But I can't really blame re-frame-template for not being super-supportive of backends right
I'm a beginner tho, there's definitely different/better ways to do even those small apps. Like in the zip-code-re-frame views.cljs, I see I hadn't learned how to name variables to differentiate between subscriptions (ratoms) versus values. Nowadays I wouldn't have main-panel
get subscriptions just to hand them off to a sub-component (which could get it itself, better separation of concerns).
i found skimming through fractalify was helpful as well:
Heretical question: is there any way in Chrome/Firefox JS Console to get access to the current app-db? To look at a JS value stored inside it without going thru cljs REPL (lacking tab completion) or heaven forbid change it in a pinch?
@fasiha: yes there is re_frame.db.app_db
. As you can see objects are not kebab-case anymore in JS land, for this king of thing I'd also recommend cljs-devtools
or dirac
Hi. I am trying to use re-frame-tracer
with re-natal but cannot enable the tracing with clairvoyant.core.devmode
Here is excerpt from project.clj: `:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[figwheel-sidecar "0.5.0-2"] [com.cemerick/piggieback "0.2.1"]] :source-paths ["src" "env/dev"] :cljsbuild {:builds {:android {:source-paths ["src" "env/dev"] :figwheel true :compiler {:output-to "target/android/not-used.js" :main "" :output-dir "target/android" :closure-defines {"clairvoyant.core.devmode" true} :externs ["resources/public/vendor/js/react-native.ext.js"]`
is false
@erichmond: my big tip for getting into cljs would be to use cljs-devtools!!!!! And dirac (slightly more setup)
@richiardiandrea: "kabab-case" !!! That's just brilliant. Your invention?
ahhaha no no isn't that a thing? lol 😄
trying to follow the jargon 😉
and look professional ah ha
Buzz-word compliance is very important
I now have a new one
But ... I am left wondering ... if this-is-kebab case then what_is_this ?
have a look here, it is a thing (and this lib is useful!)
I know my mind was blown as well
SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE is the best lol
I feel my life has taken a small but important step forward.
@johnpeters: odd. What you have there seems right.