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Just inserted ~2k DataScript EAVT tuples into RethinkDB via, looking forward to straightforward persistence and changefeeds!
@tonsky: exactly: something really simple. I was looking at Firebase to just (1) persist EAVT datoms, (2) coordinate dissemination of novelty to connected clients (though I had that working in Sente, wasn't hard), and (3) handle Twitter/Github/etc. auth. Trying Horizon (even tho Firebase has a ClojureScript wrapper), I've previously used RethinkDB, before EAVT. My front-end app grabs all datoms from Horizon/Rethink and dumps them in its DataScript instance. I haven't thought through how I'm going to write rollback: transacting on the client makes tx-data vectors, but there's no DataScript/Datomic on the backend to incorporate them, so hmmm. Maybe not such a good idea, replacing my Clojure/DataScript backend 😛
@tonsky: hmm, I see what you mean. Yes, I use clj->js:
; so our namespaced keywords attributes stored with namespace
(extend-type Keyword
(subs (str kw) 1)))
(defn datom-to-obj [v]
(apply hash-map (interleave ["e" "a" "v" "t"] (take 4 v))))
(let [datoms (clj->js (map datom-to-obj (map #(take 4 %) full-datascript-db)))] ; send to RethinkDB...)
So I'll have to extend any rich cljs types (sets, keywords, etc.) I use as values with IEncodeClojure to retrieve them properly…
Re: writing—I was thinking about retractions, the 5th element of tx-data
vector (does 5th element that have a name?). I'll just have to partition tx-data
s into additions and retraction, then translate that appropriately to Rethink/Horizon
I was also thinking, what happens if RethinkDB rejects a transaction? Maybe because of permissions. Then I'll have to roll back the change made to the client's DataScript db
I will try to hang on to older copies of the db and update conn
only in a success handler
If I had Datascript/Datomic on backend, I could eschew optimistic updates—clients could just send speculative tx-logs (I can get speculative transactions via with-db
right?) over WebSocket and update their local dbs when the server broadcasts an accepted change. But with Horizon/Rethink, everything has to be optimistic 😂