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is the untangled server "thread per request" model? e.g. if I make an elastic search blocking query for every single remote data fetch, will this scale up? or quickly consume a thread pool
Eventually that will likely be pluggable. Any ring-based server will work. At the moment, httpkit seemed a reasonable choice for a default.
we ran into a bug today where a migration was being dropped because it had the same timestamp as an existing migration. perhaps its worth throwing an exception or warning if that is the case?
(defuii SearchTab '[:which-tab
[:search-results _]]
(render [T]
(form-control-text {:type "text"
:placeholder "enter your search"
:onKeyEnter #(load-data T '[:search-results])
#_ #(transact! T `[(app/search {:query ~%})])})
(code (prn-str (props T))))))
oh sorry, there's some macro magic there, the query is
[:search-results _]]
so essentially i'm just trying to read root key :search-results while writing a query expression that isn't in Root component
{:which-tab :search, :content "Main", :search-results {:ui/fetch-state nil, :the ["result0"]}}
next, i tried changing the query to
(defuii SearchTab '[:which-tab
[:search-results :the]]
which resulted in the props for SearchTab being `{:which-tab :search, :content "Main", [:search-results :the] [nil]}
(defuii SearchTab '[:which-tab
{[:search-results :global] [:items]}]
(render [T]
(form-control-text {:type "text"
:placeholder "enter your search"
:onKeyEnter #(load-data T '[:search-results])
#_ #(transact! T `[(app/search {:query ~%})])})
(code (prn-str (props T))))))
and on the backend API I have (defmethod api-read :search-results [env key params]
{:value {:global {:items ["result0"]}}})