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Hello everyone! It's been a little while since I've been active on social media. I can see why people hire other people to do this for them, it's a lot of work 😅. I've also been staying with my in-laws for a little while, and the internet here isn't all that great for livestreaming, so I'll have to be offline for a little bit longer still. However! I've been laboring away intensely in my temporary obscurity. I am super excited to announce that Pic Story is now complete! You can check it out here: Let me tell you about it if you haven't been following along with the blog or livestream: The inspiration for Pic Story comes from my frustration with photo apps like Instagram and Google Photos. The tools they give you to make a story are very limited, restrict your creativity, and what you make ends up looking exactly like everybody else's stuff. You also have to have an account with the app to even look at them! We live in an amazing time for technology and creativity, and it's a shame that we don't have better apps to take advantage of what's possible. So, taking matters into my own hands, I built the tool that I wanted to see in the world. It is in a super beta state, and truth be told, I am a little embarrassed for anybody to see it. But the basic premise of what I want is all there, and the most important thing now is to send it off into the world to get some real-world feedback. If you'd like to check it out yourself, I invite you to sign up! The experiences of real users really using the app is going to be very important to test whether it's a viable product or not, so if you've got any first impressions or ideas on how to improve the app, I'd really encourage you to reach out! I've got a feedback form , and even a feedback/support forum where you can leave more detailed feedback or ask questions: Sincerely, Andy