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How do I add a custom command to the menu that appears when I press ,? For example, I want to run (reset) on the Clojure repl without having switch to the repl buffer and typing it in.


Try this: I think spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode is the one you want.


So when you press , in normal mode it brings up the menu for the current major mode. These definitions are in the packages.el file in each layer. If relevant to you, watch my video of adding a new menu item a new item and contributing it back to the Spacemacs Clojure layer as a pull request.


Or just skip to 2.30 in the video and see where I've added the menu item


@ag Just wanted to thank you for all the tweets on M-x Tips! 🙏:skin-tone-4:

👏 4

Oh, thank you for your kind words Vijay! "M-x tips" has become a great deal of joy and pleasure for me. It kinda started spontaneously. After I posted one tip, I thought I can post another, then one more, but soon I realized a few mistakes I made: - I probably needed to create a separate twitter account (now I can't post anything of personal) - Twitter might be not the best format (It kinda sucks, to be honest) - I wanted to post things targeted to intermediate/advanced Emacs/Spacemacs users, but it's difficult to draw a line (what's easy? what's advanced?) - It's getting harder for me to think about things that can fit into a single tweet. I'm thinking about mini youtube tutorials/tips (unfortunately full-time job makes that a bit arduous). Of course I will continue exploring and sharing my experience. I've never been much of evangelist, I am not a native English speaker and fear of making even smallest mistake still haunts me all the time. It made me appreciate more the work you do. Posting a tweet takes a tiny effort, compared to preparing and recording a podcast. You guys really 🪨 my world! Thank you! And please keep carrying this torch, people need to be enlightened.


Yes, it is great. Thank you!