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What is the lifetime of aggregation (or other) state associated with windows?
@dave.dixon Permanent until removed via eviction with a trigger.
Thanks. On implementation: are they all stored in memory, or in there a mechanism to swap in/out?
Stored in memory temporarily, durably checkpointed to S3 for fault recovery. There's an incremental version to keep only some state in memory.
Very cool, if I understand correctly, and is going on make my life really easy. Our system is being built around aggregating events over time windows for things like dashboard charts. with commands to retrieve the state for a given window. Sounds I should be able to keep that stuff for an extended time without filling up peer memory. Any other issues I might need to consider?
Should be okay.
Is partitioning by multiple columns supported on onyx-sql yet? I'm referencing this issue that says there was some work completed but it seems like it was around UUIDs. There's also another open issue that says that partitioning by UUID is broken since 0.10.0 . Anyone know the current status of sql partitioning?