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geraldodev22:01:07 , I'm trying to merge pedestal-swagger code with lacinia-pedestal code, so far so good. I'm constructing a http/router out of two vectors, one related with lacinia code and at line 104 the ones from pedestal-swagger. One problem I'm facing is if I do this swagger gives me the message: Parser error on line 2 unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection and also The provided definition does not specify a valid version field. Please indicate a valid Swagger or OpenAPI version field. Supported version fields are `swagger: "2.0"` and those that match `openapi: 3.0.n` (for example, `openapi: 3.0.0`).


graphiql isnt working but graphql executor is working 🙂

curl localhost:8080/graphql -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"query": "{ hello }"}'
{"data":{"hello":"Alô Clojurians !"}}%