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Does anyone have an easy workaround for icons not changing when the dom changes with fontawesome 5.0?
I opted for the hard route, I'm no longer using FA, but I guess adding metadata to the icon hiccup would work too
@theasp do you mean when you changed the class on the i
tag the rendered html didn’t change, or it did change but the browser didn’t accept it?
@lee.justin.m FA 5.0 uses SVG, [:i.fas.fa-whatever] creates a svg subelement which doesn't automatically propagate changes from [:i] when it's classes changes
if it is reagent i might be able to help diagnose, but if it is something quirky with fa i haven’t encountered it before
i never really understood how it worked. i just copied random stuff hither and thither and it worked and i never messed with it again 🙂
Reagent alternatives include: - keechma - - Carry - Non-reagent based: - RUM/Citris - fulcro - Hoplon My rational for using re-frame over pure reagent is given here:
As to percentages ... my guess is that 75% of commercial Reagent use involves re-frame. That's an estimate based on watching the job ads over the last year. When Reagent gets mentioned, re-frame is almost always mentioned as well. Hard to know about individual use. Might be closer to 50/50 because individuals often want to enjoy the process of creating their own thing. But that's pure guess work.
@mikethompson great summary, thank you
@mikethompson I saw reframe slack channel is mostly empty, but presumably they’re here
The #re-frame channel is pretty active
#reframe is a bad alias I guess. I'll see if we can get it removed
Duplicate alias is gone thanks to the always helpful @seancorfield