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Issue #1: don't use aget (this is a side issue) Issues #2: (also a side issue) if possible it is better to use React's ref feature, rather than (.getElementById js/document "XXX") . See Reagent's /docs for how. Issues #3: Try using :component-did-mount instead of :component-will-mount ... just to remove race conditions


But this a wild guess (you don't want to be rendering before the canvas element is in the DOM, particularly on figwheel reloads)


Thanks your help! I'll read these pages


Tips on making a PWA with re-frame? That is, using local storage and workers to offer a seamless app that's resilient to network problems after the initial load? I'm currently pondering whether to use re-frame-storage or the re-frame-storage-fx for persistence


Both of these use the old local storage (or session storage) which can only store strings. And they don't do any serialization to bypass it, so it's a no go. I could write my own serialization, but I think I'll just try to figure out a good way to use service workers and the cache api instead, and let re-frame still think it's using plain network.


@e.tmailbank shouldn’t this



unless it returns a closure function


are there any re-frame example apps that use routing?


@thheller currently undocumented, but its in place:


If you mean client-side routing, even the plain re-frame Leiningen template has that (with the +routes option).


@tomi.hukkalainen_slac Oh, I am interested in it. More Especially, I want to create a chatbot with visual character. So, I'm learning pixijs.


Upgraded to these dependencies:

[reagent "0.8.1"]
                 [re-frame "0.10.5"]
                   [ "0.3.3-react16"]
Getting a warning and an errorin the console:


The first render is fine. This happens when I refresh the page


I used the popout feature and it doesn’t seem to happen when it’s embedded in the page. Also when I refresh the page when it’s popped out it seems to disconnect….shows “Host window has closed. Reopen external window to continue tracing.”


I’ve tried factory reset and clearing local storage


I can just use the ctrl +h sidebar but if I don’t have it open on page refreshes it doesn’t seem to capture any events


Is there some idiomatic way to clear a cached sub?


I’m hoping to just clear a single cached sub, not all @kenny. It’s probably not a super common use case, so I’ve no problem just dissocing from the cache. Was just wondering if there was a nicer way


Both of these use the old local storage (or session storage) which can only store strings. And they don't do any serialization to bypass it, so it's a no go. I could write my own serialization, but I think I'll just try to figure out a good way to use service workers and the cache api instead, and let re-frame still think it's using plain network.