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@naomarik: The Wiki page should be editable. Happy for you to add whatever clarification you see as necessary.
thanks @mikethompson, added my addition 🙂
just wondering -- is it common practice to go around editing github wiki pages without permission?
Don't edit this one:
> Dear Reader: Do not edit this page without first consulting an experienced member of the ClojureScript community.
@naod: I always appreciate the typos and oddities getting fixed on Wiki pages I also appreciate small additions, like yours, for sure. Perhaps if someone was going to make significant changes, I'd like a heads up. But generally, for me, the more brains on something the better.
That's kinda the reason for open source
Open source can be a thankless slog, so having others contribute is actually what you want
yup, I'm a newcomer to contributions so don't really know what unspoken etiquette there might be
@naomarik: I’d assume a wiki page is fair game for small fixes unless it explicitly calls out no editing. If people really don’t want others editing stuff they will put it in a docs/
folder on the repo
Looking at is useful but doesn't give me a ton of examples.
I’ll be releasing one shortly. Not that big (1.5KLOC including backend), but nontrivial
Also, Why use
(register-sub :foo (fn [db] (reaction (:foo @db)))
instead of
(defn foo [db] (reaction (:foo @db)))
then use (foo re-frame.db/app-db)
instead of (subscribe [:foo])
I'm glad these questions are getting asked now with v0.8.0 close: You want to use the new de-duplication feature? You want to want to use the new "pure function" version of subscriptions?
One thing I want to do is
(let [setup (do (dispatch-sync [:init-db])
(dispatch [:name "John"])
(dispatch [:login]))]
(is (= true @(subscribe [:logged-in?]))))
I read a bit of the code in this repo over the weekend and the event abstractions seem pretty nice. Maybe something to look at for re-frame's new effects stuff:
When using re-frame, suppose one has a form with one or more hidden inputs that should have a default value, for a new user (or on initial render of the form). What would be a good approach for setting the default in the app db in such a case? Thanks for any suggestions...
@limist: I would usually just put in a dispatch
before the hiccup
this means it's sent every time the component re-renders but often this isn't an issue (esp. when inputs are hidden)
Alternatively you can make a Form-2 component that does the dispatch when mounted