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Hi all, I am using pedestal based on Stuart Sierra component. Basically it is only 2 components now: Pedestal and Datomic. I am trying to inject datomic connection to intercepctors chain. But I keep getting this error: "You're trying to use something as an interceptor that isn't supported by the protocol; Perhaps you need to extend it?"
(defrecord Pedestal [service-map service db]
(start [component]
(print (str "DB:" db))
(if service
(-> service-map
(assoc :http/routes (routes/routes db))
(assoc component :service))))
(stop [component]
(when service (http/stop service))
(assoc component :service nil)))
(defn routes [db-component]
(let [session-inter (session {:store (cookie/cookie-store)})
conn (:conn db-component)
attach-conn (attach-to-request :conn conn)]
["/" :get [attach-conn session-inter authenticate guard 'root]]
["/sign-up" :get [attach-conn session-inter 'show-sign-up]]
["/sign-up" :post [attach-conn session-inter (body-params) keyword-params 'sign-up]]
["/sign-in" :get [attach-conn session-inter 'show-sign-in]]
["/sign-in" :post [attach-conn session-inter (body-params) keyword-params 'sign-in]]
(defn attach-to-request [name obj]
{:name ::attach-to-req
:enter (fn [ctx]
(assoc-in ctx [:request name] obj))}))
Please advice what I am doing wrong.
Thanks!@kirill.salykin i suspect this line (assoc component :service)
basically it will be expanded to (assoc (http/start ...) component service)
while what you want is (assoc component :service (http/start ...))
@mavbozo thanks!
looks like this is the reason
I find it helpful for me to split the Pedestal component into 2 components: Pedestal Service component just for preparing the service map for Pedestal Server component which is responsible for creating/starting/stopping the server
sounds interesting
I also found pedestal component from Sierra
trying this now
thanks for help!