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👍 thanks
@anmonteiro mind giving master a shot if you have a second?
@dnolen master looks good
just ran a few tests
@qqq Om Next works with SVG just like React does
Just follow React's docs and you should be fine <-- is there something simpler than this? I want server/client, but simplest app possible, i.e. something like a counter that is increment in the client GUI, but whose value is stored on the server
@qqq I’m still figuring stuff out too, but you might want to check out the demo app in this tutorial
it’s got a simulated server and it’s not quite as simple as a counter, but not much more complex a model
In fact, does anyone know how you should setup a query on a component that’s just responsible for rendering part of another? I’ll try and explain it!
I’ve got a state that looks like this:
(def initial-state {
:address {:address/protocol "http://" :address/domain-path “" }})
and two components like this
(defui HttpProtocol
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:address/protocol])
(render [this]
(let [protocol (:address/protocol (om/props this))]
(dom/button #js {:className "address-protocol"
:onClick #(om/transact! this `[(address/toggle-protocol {:protocol ~protocol})])} protocol)
(def http-protocol (om/factory HttpProtocol))
(defui AddressBar
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [(om/get-query HttpProtocol) :address/domain-path])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [address/protocol address/domain-path]} (om/props this)]
(dom/div #js {:className "address"}
(http-protocol {:address/protocol protocol})
(dom/input #js {:className "address-url" :value domain-path})
(dom/button nil "Go")
(def address-bar (om/factory AddressBar))
The AddressBar gets passed the address, which is fine, but I want to be able to have the HttpProtocol component say it’s reliant on the :address/protocol value. Should I be normalizing the data in some way, so that value is at the top level?
Or should HttpProtocol not have a query? This doesn’t seem right to me but might be the case