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I’m having issues with adding 3rd party js/react-components to my reagent-app. I’ve done a (:require [cljsjs.react-datepicker]), but I don’t know how to use it...
I noticed that I actually got a hint in the console: "Warning: Using native React classes directly in Hiccup forms is not supported. Use create-element or adapt-react-class instead"
@andnils try this:
(defn my-component [] [:div [:> js/DatePicker]])
@metametadata thx - that worked!
great! for convenience you can also extract it and use as the plain reagent component:
(def date-picker (r/adapt-react-class js/DatePicker))
; ...
(defn my-component [] [:div [date-picker]])
What's the difference between render and reagent-render in create-class?
I'm trying to write this function as reagent-render:
But I need access to the component in the on-update. How do I get that?