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It doesn't really matter to me, but I was saying that if you think there will only be something like 2 challenges for the aggregation writing stage, you might reach a broader audience by writing an interactive tutorial with onyx-local-rt.
Gotcha. I’ll aim for both and at worst just hit one of them. I suppose i need to check out the tutorial and see what direction that is taking. Reaching a broader audience is always a good thing.
Thanks to @viebel's work, you can embed Onyx code snippets right into a page and make them interactive, so whatever you write for one should run directly on the other without modification.
@drewverlee I'll share an update on my tutorial prototype direction tomorrow afternoon ET
Do you guys plan to go with klipse for a rich interactive tutorial? If that is the case, let me know - you will probably need additional features...
@viebel, I imagine @michaeldrogalis will make that call for "official" Onyx tutorials, assuming they come to exist. I think any tutorial contributor should use the tools she/he personally feels best fit for the job.
@colinhicks @viebel I'm cool with whatever ya'll want to do. Anything to get us to the goal.
who is going to author the content @michaeldrogalis ? I’m not proficient enough with onyx to do it by myself. But if someone does it, I have no problem to make it interactive.
@viebel I think @colinhicks wanted to take the lead, I'm not sure what he has in mind. Thoughts, @colinhicks?
I think we just need a plan. There are a lot of things that we can make interactive in parallel. onyx-examples, a tutorial, and pieces of the User Guide come to mind
Something standalone just to get started would be nice. Onyx is a bit intimidating to learn, so anything we can do to make things pain-free to start would good.
Still need a bit longer to get my prototype in shape. I can propose a plan with it as context. My hope is that being able to see what I'm going for will save me a bunch of typing 🙂
@colinhicks Certainly. 🙂