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Did anyone (reading this) use rum for hybrid app development?
ok, sorry, hybrid mobile applications. Using plain html5/css/js for mobile applications.
There are frameworks out (like Ionic, OnsonUI), but I don't seem to like them much.
I do like rum, but I just wonder how it would turn out for mobile.
... and if someone used it, if there are any experience reports.
I tend to like experience reports 🙂.
ok, thanks...
not really rum, is it? - Did you use it @misha?
oh yeah, it is...
you will not see sablono's keyword tags anymore, though, but other than that - it's identical:
(set! js/window.React (js/require "react"))
(def ReactNative (js/require "react-native"))
(def text (partial create-element (.-Text ReactNative)))
(def view (partial create-element (.-View ReactNative)))
(rum/defc foo [txt]
(view {:style {:padding 20}}
(text {:style {:fontSize 10}} txt)))
cool, nice.
allright, thanks a lot!
It's cool, re-natal, only, I don't get why there's a different source for iOS and Android in the initial project... It looks really pretty much the same, except for the namespace. Is there any reason to duplicate the code?