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anyone from the java world having strong feelings for micronaut or quarkus ( good or bad , both opinions welcome ) ?


both seem to be popular options, I've heard about them but haven't used them. both have good support for native image as well


I would in fact prefer Oracle's over both. Not a fan of the annotation magic that the other two encourage. Helidon SE is much more simple for me and equally good GraalVM support too 😄


Right, there's that one too


I don't really know. I even contributed to Micronaut, but the fact that I had to fix something in core to get GraphQL Subscriptions working kind of scared me. Java is a slow moving world. Almost everyone is using Spring, and eventually the features will be in Spring.


"everything becomes spring" should remind us of how everything became rails. in the end there was a lot of abandoned junk.


and nobody wanted to maintain that "everything"


Helidon i was not aware about ... looks interesting, although the fact that they already have 2 models (se and mp) is awkward.


Will add it to my list of validations


ever since i've seen this example of documentation i've been a bit more wary

(defn even? "returns true if x is even" [x] true)
I know say returns true when X, otherwise false heh


a useful tool I've found for understanding these sort of "technically true but misleading" things is Grice's maxims - they aren't laws you need to follow, but they are rules we use to make sense of things: (we break the maxims all the time - in cases of sarcasm, irony, humor, general play, or just plain lying, but I think we can agree those forms of communication don't belong in docs) I think the maxim broken here is the one of relevance (bringing up "if x is even" is not relevant to the function as implemented, and leads to a wrong conclusion if common sense inference is used)


interesting. i was thinking either relevance or quantity might apply


Took me forever to accept that doc as true 🙃 It seems like the first step of an implementation of even? in a test-driven development cycle.


> “if x is even” we parse this as code, because we are programmers. our if is not the same as this one, which means “implies”. Our if is a control structure that uses a logical implication or predicate. The docs here are bad because it is not explicit about which ‘if’ is meant. So we also have a problem of ambiguity here. Plus we expect a predicate to return logical true or false (not just one), except a few explicit ones like one made with constantly Plus the naming matters, especially in a language that leans so heavily towards a declarative style.

Bryce Tichit21:09:25

Hello, Anyone knows about a good resource to master vim? I've been using it for years now but I know that I'm not using the most advanced features and I know that I could do more with it. Thanks a lot for any reference !


this book is great, helped me a lot back in the day:

💯 2
Bryce Tichit09:09:15

Looks nice thanks !

noisesmith16:09:00 is a game where you win by using vim commands. it uses a series of constraints to force you into learning parts of vim that only become useful after mastery


especially if you're the kind of user who mainly uses arrow keys and visual mode, it doesn't allow arrow keys and eventually even hjkl aren't available


I spent a weekend with vimtutor and the manual and never looked back