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Random question, did any of you ever come across something that can parse Postgres explain/analyse output, and give some kind of programmatic insights? Indexes used, or not, etc..?
Did you already try explain/analyze tooling in PGAdmin4? It provides a visual graph and nice stats about the query plan.
At back of my mind was something like a library that could warn if an index wasn’t being used, or partially used
Oh, you can run a SQL query for that. I'm sure you could adapt this to run within your application, to give you some insight...
SELECT s.schemaname,
s.relname AS tablename,
s.indexrelname AS indexname,
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(s.indexrelid)) AS index_size,
idx_scan as index_scans
FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_indexes s
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON s.indexrelid = i.indexrelid
WHERE s.idx_scan = 0 -- has never been scanned
AND 0 <>ALL (i.indkey) -- no index column is an expression
AND pg_relation_size(relid) > 5 * 8192 -- has some data in the table
AND NOT i.indisunique -- is not a UNIQUE index
AND NOT EXISTS -- does not enforce a constraint
(SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c
WHERE c.conindid = s.indexrelid)
ORDER BY pg_relation_size(s.indexrelid) / nullif(idx_scan, 0) DESC NULLS FIRST,
pg_relation_size(i.indexrelid) DESC;
Hi everyone, I wanted to introduce myself. I'm ceo/co-founder of We are 100% clojure on the back end, and I'm looking forward to meeting more people in the clojure world 🙂