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Luke Johnson15:02:29

Good day! Is there a way to pretty print a Malli schema? pprint is just one long line.


malli schema is data so any library that offers pretty printing for clojure data would do. For example

Luke Johnson16:02:27

I suppose I was asking if there was a pre-built function ready for my use. pprint works fine for some schemas in my REPL, but I think the property maps and reader tags cause problems. And I was hoping not to have to roll my own solution, but that may be where I’m headed. Thanks.


Could you share an example when pprint doesn't work as you expected?

Luke Johnson16:02:46

Coming up with an example, it seems that mu/optional-keys is causing problems.

Luke Johnson16:02:51

Really big schemas also break pprint, I think.


user=> (clojure.pprint/pprint (m/-form (mu/optional-keys (into [:map] (map (fn [ch] [(keyword (str (char ch))) :int]) (range (int \a) (int \z)))))))
 [:a {:optional true} :int]
 [:b {:optional true} :int]
 [:c {:optional true} :int]
 [:d {:optional true} :int]
 [:e {:optional true} :int]
 [:f {:optional true} :int]
 [:g {:optional true} :int]
 [:h {:optional true} :int]
 [:i {:optional true} :int]
 [:j {:optional true} :int]
 [:k {:optional true} :int]
 [:l {:optional true} :int]
 [:m {:optional true} :int]
 [:n {:optional true} :int]
 [:o {:optional true} :int]
 [:p {:optional true} :int]
 [:q {:optional true} :int]
 [:r {:optional true} :int]
 [:s {:optional true} :int]
 [:t {:optional true} :int]
 [:u {:optional true} :int]
 [:v {:optional true} :int]
 [:w {:optional true} :int]
 [:x {:optional true} :int]
 [:y {:optional true} :int]]
mu/optional-keys returns custom schema type. There is m/-form function that turn the type to its data representation. This data is suitable for pprinting

Luke Johnson17:02:38

That’s really helpful! Thanks @U04V4KLKC

Ben Sless17:02:27

Did you try calling malli.core/form on it first?

Luke Johnson17:02:13

TIL: m/form is what I needed!


i’ve read through the docs and i’m sure that i missed the obvious 😇. how can i validate that a map’s keys are all keywords, and their values are all strings, given that the k/vs are unknown?


and like magic, i found it after asking. :map-of

🙂 2
😂 6
☝️ 2
Noah Bogart21:02:36

i love/hate when that happens. glad you found it!


story of my life 😎