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Hello! I'm trying to figure out a perplexing problem. It's difficult to debug but I managed to find a minimal repro pair. We have a test that looks like this:
(ns pitch.hello-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [is deftest]]
#_[taoensso.timbre :as t]))
(deftest test-greeting
(is (= "hello" "hello")))
So we build a bundle using the :karma
target and then run karma on this bundle, which works.
However, if you re-enable the timbre require (by removing #_
), test-greeting
isn't run and the test reporter reports 0 tests run.With timbre disabled, karma prints out this:
15 02 2023 13:18:51.974:INFO [karma-server]: Karma v6.4.1 server started at
15 02 2023 13:18:51.978:INFO [launcher]: Launching browsers ChromeHeadless with concurrency unlimited
15 02 2023 13:18:51.982:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser ChromeHeadless
15 02 2023 13:18:52.192:INFO [Chrome Headless 110.0.5481.100 (Mac OS 10.15.7)]: Connected on socket K4bpZfHFvl_Kcd0JAAAB with id 12774804
LOG LOG: 'Testing pitch.hello-test'
✓ test-greeting
Chrome Headless 110.0.5481.100 (Mac OS 10.15.7): Executed 1 of 1 SUCCESS (0.002 secs / 0.001 secs)
But when I re-enable timbre (which shouldn't make any difference), this is what I get instead:
15 02 2023 13:23:10.715:INFO [karma-server]: Karma v6.4.1 server started at
15 02 2023 13:23:10.717:INFO [launcher]: Launching browsers ChromeHeadless with concurrency unlimited
15 02 2023 13:23:10.719:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser ChromeHeadless
15 02 2023 13:23:10.981:INFO [Chrome Headless 110.0.5481.100 (Mac OS 10.15.7)]: Connected on socket kzfx4Y3uilCpBBl9AAAB with id 14837417
Chrome Headless 110.0.5481.100 (Mac OS 10.15.7): Executed 0 of 0 SUCCESS (0.001 secs / 0 secs)
Not sure what I can try or how to debug this very unexpected behavior (Is it a problem in our configuration? karma-cljs-test
? in shadow?)
quick guess is that timbre somehow messes with *print-fn*
on load and all the output is lost?
Could that make the test function not run at all? We can see that it never gets executed by karma
been years since I looked at karma. what happens if you load the build in a regular browser?
Trying that now
I don't see anything in the browser logs. I added a console log that shows that the namespace is loaded but the test fn is not run
One thing I observed is that I can reliably repro the problem only if I rm -rf .shadow-cljs
before recompiling
So basically the issue appears only if I'm starting from a clean slate (this is what happens in CI). If I re-compile in shadow a second time, then the test is picked up as exepcted
My assumption was that compiling twice shouldn't make a difference. This leads me to suspect that there's something not 100% right with the shadow compile output, but I'm having a hard time figuring out the difference
I have never looked at timbre. does it happen only with timbre or any other namespace as well?
since you say CI it could be a memory issue? although that should be noticable before it ever gets to running karma
there is a history of CI envs killing the shadow-cljs compilation since the default memory limits are ... well the default and CI likes capped things
could be that by default it gets by with memory, but adding timbre takes it over the limit?
I was able to make it repro on my local machine after some digging
I just found something interesting. Basically • on first compile it's broken • if I recompile it starts working I copied the output and did a diff of the two
No, it's not about memory pressure
The diff looks like this
+shadow.test.env.reset_test_data_BANG_(new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 1, [new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"pitch.hello-test","pitch.hello-test",-1071328279,null),new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 1, [new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"vars","vars",-2046957217),new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.Var(function(){return pitch.hello_test.test_greeting;},new cljs.core.Symbol("pitch.hello-test","test-greeting","pitch.hello-test/test-greeting",1200222568,null),cljs.core.PersistentHashMap.fromArrays([new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"ns","ns",441598760),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"name","name",1843675177),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"file","file",-1269645878),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"end-column","end-column",1425389514),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"column","column",2078222095),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"line","line",212345235),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"end-line","end-line",1837326455),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"arglists","arglists",1661989754),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"doc","doc",1913296891),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"test","test",577538877)],[new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"pitch.hello-test","pitch.hello-test",-1071328279,null),new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"test-greeting","test-greeting",-363084393,null),"pitch/hello_test.cljs",(23),(1),(7),(7),cljs.core.List.EMPTY,null,(cljs.core.truth_(pitch.hello_test.test_greeting)?pitch.hello_test.test_greeting.cljs$lang$test:null)]))], null)], null)], null));
it contains a reference to pitch.hello-test
. The fact that this is missing probably explains why the test doesn't run
yeah we do
(ns pitch.karma.main
(:require [cljs.test :as ct]
[shadow.test.karma :as sk]))
;; make matcher-combinators work in karma CI test runner
(defmethod ct/report [:shadow.test.karma/karma :matcher-combinators/mismatch] [m]
(let [fail-method (get (methods ct/report) [:shadow.test.karma/karma :fail])]
(fail-method (assoc m :type :fail))))
(defn ^:export init []
so there's a kind of compile-time race condition?
so currently the only way to customize runners is my copying them not referring them
that makes a lot more sense now. I thought I was going crazy
timbre had nothing to do with it except that it changes the timing of (parallel?) compiles
thanks so much
> so currently the only way to customize runners is my copying them not referring them what do you mean by this - just copy and paste the entire namespace?
yes, take and modify what you need
as long as the two lines above are in the actual runner-ns and the runner-ns has :dev/always true
you should be ok
ok. maybe we can remove the custom test runner altogether
we had this in our config
:browser-test-karma {:target :karma
;; using karma.main as runner-ns here so it wouldn't be eliminated by cljs compiler
:runner-ns pitch.karma.main
:compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es8
:warnings-as-errors true
:static-fns false}
:output-to "target/browser-test/public/static/app/719998b2-df4b-4b86-9793-3f821d281369/js/browser_test_karma.js"
:ns-regexp "-test(s)*$"}
> using karma.main as runner-ns here so it wouldn't be eliminated by cljs compiler Looks like someone was wrestling with something like this before
I don't know, I didn't write that 🙂 someone probably hypothesized (incorrectly?) that cljs compiler eliminates code
Still don't understand 100% why only this one namespace showed this race condition in my tests, but that's not as important as understanding the underlying cause
(Our CI ran 1000 tests, while locally the runner ran 994 tests, and we couldn't find what caused the diff)
Compiler race condition wasn't my first thought
in your custom runner it fills before all the final tests are compiled. so shadow.test.karma is compiled "early" because it has no requires
yeah for sure - my macbook has more cores than the circle ci machine
thats why requires are usually so important, only way to ensure everything is as expected
the clojurescript discover-tests-via-macro "hack" is kind of breaking the require assumption
late as in late binding?
so the idea is to expand macros that require this data "late", as in at end of compilation
but that brings with it a whole bunch of other problems, that why it has been sitting there for a year 😛
sounds like some deeper changes to the cljs compiler
might be solvable at macro level, but I'm always hesitant to add stuff that won't behave as expected when using the regular compiler
Hello, I have a cljc function that works in dev, but fails to run in release
(defn replace-char
[^String s ^Character match ^Character replacement]
#?(:cljs (.replaceAll s match replacement)
:clj (.replace s match replacement)))
Inspecting the generated code (with --debug)
function $app$core$replace_char$$($s$jscomp$128$$, $match$jscomp$9$$, $replacement$jscomp$4$$) {
return $s$jscomp$128$$.$replaceAll$($match$jscomp$9$$, $replacement$jscomp$4$$);
The issue is the $
in the start of the .replaceAll method
I'm able to do some code-golfing, probably removing the ^String from JS part of CLJC.
But I would like to understand better why this extra $ is here.that is to tell you that .replaceAll
was renamed to .$replaceAll$
as part of the advanced optimizations. without pseudo-names it would be .aX
or something short, which would make it hard to identify
(defn replace-char
[s match replacement]
#?(:cljs (.replaceAll s match replacement)
:clj (.replace ^String s ^Character match ^Character replacement)))
not much golfing involved. the type hints won't do anything for CLJS anyways, except confuse the compiler
What does ^String means to GCC? In my mind, as it means nothing to GCC, it is equivalent to not having a tag.
without any tag:
204 | #?(:cljs (.replaceAll s match replacement)
Cannot infer target type in expression (. s replaceAll match replacement)
with ^js
s it worksalthough I'm not entirely sure why replaceAll
is getting renamed here. that should exist in the default externs?
Hi! 🙂 I'm looking to provide a vanilla JS interface to a CLJS app I've written. Basically making the app's functionality available as a JS lib. To do this, I'll need to control munging, export some certain symbols, and presumably do some js->clj
and clj->js
. I'm wondering:
1. What's the most accurate target for this? It's looking like :esm
, but I wanted to be certain.
2. Has anyone seen any good examples come by of JS/TS interfaces for CLJS libs? I didn't find much in my searching.
3. Any gotchas I need to know about doing this? My biggest concern is the perf hit of JS->CLJS transformations, since my data can be quite large.
Hello! Is it possible to have a connected repl session to the JS runtime (nodejs in my case) when using the :npm-module
target? I’ve built a VS Code extension using the :npm-module
target, but when I run the extension my repl doesn’t seem to connect to the JS runtime as it does when I use the :node-library
target. So when I try to eval something I get “No available JS runtime.“.
I notice that :npm-module
is not listed, so maybe it’s not intended to be used in this way? As I said, :node-library
works, but I’m experimenting to find a solution to a problem for which :npm-module
was looking promising.
npm-module just doesn't have a defined entry point, so it cannot prepend the repl client ns.
and then somehow from the JS side load the ./<output-dir>/shadow.cljs.devtools.client.node
maybe conditionally if there is such a thing in the env, eg. process.env.NODE_ENV == 'development'
I’ve now tried this, and I get an error - SHADOW_IMPORTED is not defined
To give a bit more info on what I’m trying to do: I have a minimal project set up to test building Calva with shadow-cljs while still being able to utilize the TS and CLJS we already have. The idea is that it could/should work like in the image (arrows denote reference direction).
The top-level cljs references the compiled TS (I can make this work), and the TS references the lower-level / existing CLJS. The left and middle part are existing already in Calva. The right part is the thing I’m adding. This :npm-module single-build approach is just one approach I’ve tried.
The shadow-cljs.edn looks like:
{:deps true
:builds {:extension
{:target :npm-module
:runtime :node
:output-dir "node_modules/shadow-cljs"
:entries [calva-cljs.extension]
:devtools {:before-load-async calva-cljs.extension/before-load-async
:after-load calva-cljs.extension/after-load}}}}
The extension is using "./node_modules/shadow-cljs/calva_cljs.extension.js"
as its entrypoint. The extension works like this, at least without importing/using
(haven’t verified if that works yet - just trying to get a repl connection to the runtime).
Now, going by what you said, I required shadow.cljs.devtools.client.node
in my entry point which is calva-cljs.extension
(ns calva-cljs.extension
(:require ["vscode" :as vscode :refer [window]]
["/foo.js" :as foo]
["shadow-cljs/shadow.cljs.devtools.client.node" :as node-client]))
Maybe there’s something else I need to require? There may be a better approach to this altogether - I’m just exploring this approach for now. Another thing I haven’t tried is two separate node-library builds with two separate shadow-cljs.edn files - the thought is that I can run two shadow-cljs servers and not have the conflicts/errors I saw before.
Using two :node-library
builds in the same shadow-cljs.edn file, I think I can partly achieve what I want but only by doing a release build of the calva-lib build, which means I can’t get hot reload of the changes made in that build, I think. Otherwise, there are seemingly conflicts between cljs (duplicate things being loaded) or some other errors.
["shadow-cljs/shadow.cljs.devtools.client.node" :as node-client]
this is very likely blowing shit up
but I used JS in the example I gave you specifically since you can do conditional requires in JS, but not in CLJS
I’ve tried a js entry point now that looks like this:
console.log("Loading shadow devtools for node client");
console.log("Loading extension entry point");
const extension = require("shadow-cljs/calva_cljs.extension");
exports.activate = extension.activate;
exports.deactivate = extension.deactivate;
The extension works as expected, and when I save the extension.cljs file and the shadow watch process runs the compilation again, it succeeds, but a JS error is thrown that I can see in the debug console: JS reload failed ReferenceError: SHADOW_IMPORT is not defined
. At this point the extension seems broken.
From what I can tell, SHADOW_IMPORT
is provided by using node_bootstrap.txt
I see that
is called in
, but not in
. I’m guessing that might be related to why SHADOW_IMPORT
isn’t found, but I haven’t dug deeper into the source to understand what I might need to do to to make this work.