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Benjamin C00:02:49

I've think I've seen it mentioned a few times that polylith does not "support" cljs (ie.;cid=C013B7MQHJQ). Am I correct in thinking that "support" means the poly tool doesn't integrate with it? Like running cljs tests, for example? Or is there something about cljs/cljc that breaks it altogether?


The poly tool doesn't know what to do with .cljs -- I believe it understands .cljc (although I haven't confirmed that).


In theory, with the recently-added feature to support external test runners, .cljs tests could be found/run if you wrote an appropriate test runner. However, you still wouldn't get any component dependency checks for .cljs files since poly doesn't understand ClojureScript.

Benjamin C01:02:48

Also, can you use the poly tool to convert an existing project, or is that something you need to do manually?


Convert what sort of existing project? There's a migration tool from earlier versions of Polylith. There are guidelines in the docs for migrating a non-Polylith project to Polylith. I can't imagine how an arbitrary project could be automatically migrated tho'...

Benjamin C01:02:27

> migrating a non-Polylith project to Polylith ^ This. I must have missed the guide in the docs, I'll check again. Thanks!