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Thank you @borkdude and everyone that helped! This will be a huge help for the project and I'm really happy and excited to see the results of that funding!
I’m getting “Lisp nesting exceeds ‘max-lisp-eval-depth’” errors after lsp starts (sometimes emacs also freezes for a while first). The backtrace seems to suggest that it’s something to do with lsp-all-watchable-directories
(I think). Is there anything I can do to figure out why?
also check your max-lisp-eval-depth
variable , for me, doom-emacs sets that to 1600
Checking for Native JSON support: OK
Check emacs supports `read-process-output-max': OK
Check `read-process-output-max' default has been changed from 4k: OK
Byte compiled against Native JSON (recompile lsp-mode if failing when Native JSON available): OK
`gc-cons-threshold' increased?: OK
Using gccemacs with emacs lisp native compilation (): NOT AVAILABLE (OPTIONAL)
Even so, maybe it's a good idea ask on
It still freezes for a while, and then Error processing message (error "Variable binding depth exceeds max-specpdl-size").
yeah, so, what I think it's happening is that lsp is scanning a lot of folders and probably a lot of them are not required to be analyzed, check your *lsp-log*
when server starts, it should print the folders/files being analyzed
probably (setq lsp-enable-file-watchers nil)
should fix, but not sure the file watchers feature is good for you
In lsp-log, I just have
Found the following clients for /path/file.clj: (server-id clojure-lsp, priority 0)
The following clients were selected based on priority: (server-id clojure-lsp, priority 0)
(`/path/file/clj` changed as it’s work stuff)I don't think so, there are better ways to solve that probably, like configuring lsp-mode to exclude specific folders from your project
There’s a couple of node_modules directories in here. Only one other large directory, I think
lsp-mode should log on *lsp-log*
the folders being analyzed, not sure why it's not logging :thinking_face:
Which way up are emacs backtraces? It starts like this:
` entered--Lisp error: (error “Lisp nesting exceeds ‘max-lisp-eval-depth’“)
file-truename(“/Users” (90) (nil))
file-truename(“/Users/djm” (90) (nil))
file-truename(“/Users/djm/Library” (90) (nil))
file-truename(“/Users/djm/Library/Containers” (90) (nil))
file-truename(“/Users/djm/Library/Containers/” (90) (nil))
file-truename(“/Users/djm/Library/Containers/” (90) (nil))
file-truename(“/Users/djm/Library/Containers/” (90) (nil))
file-truename(“/Users/djm/Library/Containers/” (90) (nil))
file-truename(“/Users/djm/Library/Containers/” (90) (nil))
file-truename(“/Users/djm/Library/Containers/” (90) (nil))
lsp--all-watchable-directories(“/Users/djm/Library/Containers/" (“[/\\\\]\\.git\\‘” “[/\\\\]\\.github\\‘” “[/\\\\]\\.circleci\\‘” “[/\\\\]\\.hg\\‘” “[/\\\\]\\.bzr\\’” “...``
Why would it be looking at /Users/djm/Library/Containers/ 😕
hum, really weird lsp-mode looking on that folder, I really suggest opening an issue on lsp-mode showing that
you can also debug lsp-mode code if you want starting from the lsp--all-watchable-directories
@ericdallo sorry about the :source-paths
bug, that one is my fault, lol. i’ve opened a pr that should fix it
i misread the settings page and thought both :source-paths
and :source-aliases
returns keywords
do you want the default to be nil
or #{}
I've asked this in the past and was told it was a project config error but i haven't solved it and have just been putting it off. I am using [clojure.test :refer :all]
in our test namespaces. lsp-ui is offering a warning "use alias or :refer [refer-all]" which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. And each usage of deftest
and is
is highlighted as an unknown symbol. How can i diagnose this?
me and @borkdude had this issue last week with an user, it was related with outdated clj-kondo analysis + outdated sqlite.db
can you please:
• confirm there is a .clj-kondo
dir on your project root
• if so rm .clj-kondo/.cache
and rm .lsp/sqlite.db
• restart the server
it's a must have a .clj-kondo
dir (future releases of clojure-lsp it should create automatically)
even being built-in, other thing should not working properly without the .clj-kondo dir, I suggest you creating it
@U11BV7MTK could you confirm the issue is fixed if you create a .clj-kondo/config.edn
with {}
then we can understand later why clj-kondo is not recognizing clojure.test built-in
excellent. that fixed it. i didn't realize i had to manually create a clj-kondo folder
just to explain how it works:
• clojure-lsp checks if there a .lsp/sqlite.db if so it doesn't call clj-kondo to analyze the whole classpath which takes a while
• when clj-kondo is analyzing the whole classpath, it persists in .clj-kondo/.cache
the transits from each namespace analyzed, but only if a .clj-kondo
folder exists
• when linting, it uses the cache so it knows external namespaces from classpath
That works for external libs, but clojure.test should be built-in on clj-kondo not depend on that kind of cache
@U11BV7MTK I intend to do soon
thanks. just a data point: i'm ok with manually creating it. helps me add it to gitignore as well. Just didn't know i needed to
no problem is just that most users don't know (and they don't need to know) about how that works