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fwiw, i think something like this: was what i was looking for - gonna try auto-compiling the garden on save, which will write the css, and figwheel will pick up that change (right? simple_smile )


@hoopes: Should work, I've used it in the past and it worked really well. When I set it up I was running lein garden separately from my normal repl, but there may be a way to get it to run at the same time from one lein instance.


There's also if you would rather use SASS than garden. I haven't used it though.


awesome, thanks. pumped to write css in clj, just trying to figure out the best way to structure everything to wind up in one css file in a sane manner


and yeah, so far i just have two leins running


like (stupid example) if i have two different rules on <body> defined in two different namespaces, what's the best way to combine them? or do i just say screw it, and let it write two different body rules (which works fine)


i also probably way off topic for this channel now, sorry


Oh in that case then garden is totally the way to go - I love using it so much more than other CSS replacement (moved to Garden from SASS)


We can move the discussion to #C053AK3F9, #C0FQERS0H is pretty much an empty channel at this point