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Alexander Sobolev16:09:48

Hello, i am Alexander. I started programming in 1991 in C, Forth was my first love, Prolog was second. Worked as a programmer for some years, gamedev since 1998, now i am a head of a research unit. Studying Clojure now at the same time with Anglican. Plan to use both for gamedev needs and also for trading. I live in Oxford, UK.

👋 11

Welcome! Anglican looks really cool, I hadn't run across that before. In case anyone else is curious:

💡 4
Vitaly Samigullin19:09:42

Hey all, I'm Vitaly, a software developer currently from Vienna, Austria. I've been programming in Clojure for a couple of years, mostly as a hobby. I think it was Joe Armstrong's joke in the "The Mess We're In" talk about how many of you can program without an internet connection for more than five minutes. Interestingly enough, my capabilities of offline-programming increase dramatically when I program in Clojure! It must be something related to a... good language design. Really enjoying the language, Emacs CIDER, some great libraries. After lurking for a few months on Clojurian Slack, I'm happy to become a part of the community openly

👋 11
clojure 3