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Martynas Maciulevičius10:09:46

I want to share my own app that I develop using Biff. This app takes terms of webpages (currently only facebook) and allows you to ask questions about them: (I want to add more questions and more webpages but the main UI is there)

🆒 4
🎉 2

That’s cool.

Martynas Maciulevičius11:09:05

I worked a lot on this. It has to be at least a little cool 😄


More than a little. Thanks. Congratulations.

Lyn Headley11:09:46

This is a very smart idea, congratulations. We all click through so many terms and conditions without thinking or reading them. It is overwhelming the volume of text they contain. Your tool could help us take back control over our rights regarding our own data and the terms on which we deal with our digital overlords. Thank you for your work.

😉 1
Martynas Maciulevičius12:09:32

I tried to build this kind of a tool before but for blockchain stuff and there actually was a backlash from node owners when I made it visible what they don't have and where they cut corners 😄 They were not liking the idea that they could be analyzed and compared between others of the same sort. So let's see how it goes this time :face_with_cowboy_hat:

Martynas Maciulevičius13:09:00

And if you want to help me then you can DM me some of your proposals or actually add a question that you have 📝

Jacob O'Bryant16:09:42

re: blockchain, that's hilarious

Jacob O'Bryant16:09:36

And congrats on the launch!

Martynas Maciulevičius16:09:43

> And congrats on the launch! What is a launch... I deployed it two weeks ago already xD But yeah, thanks a lot :))

Jacob O'Bryant16:09:32

congrats on the launch two weeks ago 😉

clojure-spin 1

I set up as Jacob suggested. I could see the port scanning had started right away. The firewall (`ufw`) works well — and putting a Digital Ocean firewall in front of the droplet really reduced the burden on the droplet firewall. ssh and https get through fine. FWIW. Also, the DO uptime checks Jacob recommended are easy and effective. They have Slack integration built in.

👍 1

why can we access cheshire when its not listed in deps.edn?


secondly… what is the list of dependencies that are loaded (I presume from biff) that we have access to

Jacob O'Bryant21:09:59

It's a transitive dependency. if you use it in your app, it's best if you add it to deps.edn anyway just in case the transitive dependency changes. you can run clj -Stree to see all the dependencies.

🙏 1

maybe it should be added in the template? looks like ui.clj uses it on line 127


sorry wrong line number

Jacob O'Bryant21:09:07

oh, yeah I should add it. thanks for pointing that out.