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Pragyan Tripathi03:09:01

Shadow-CLJS: 2.25.5 MacOS Ventura Recently I have started facing issues during compilation. I ran watch command with --verbose flag. Here’s the console output:

<- Cache write: com/vadelabs/studio/client/pages/workspace/plans.cljs (9598 ms)
<- Compile CLJS: com/vadelabs/studio/client/pages/project/playground.cljs (15550 ms)
-> Cache write: com/vadelabs/studio/client/pages/project/playground.cljs
<- Compile CLJS: com/vadelabs/studio/client/pages/project.cljs (16470 ms)
-> Cache write: com/vadelabs/studio/client/pages/project.cljs
<- Cache write: com/vadelabs/studio/client/pages/workspace/billing.cljs (31370 ms)
-> Cache read: com/vadelabs/studio/client.cljs
<- Compile CLJS: com/vadelabs/studio/client/ui.cljs (112930 ms)
<- Cache write: com/vadelabs/studio/client/pages/workspace/setting.cljs (126621 ms)
<- Cache write: com/vadelabs/studio/client/components/card.cljs (183913 ms)
<- Cache read: com/vadelabs/studio/client.cljs (389796 ms)
-> Compile CLJS: com/vadelabs/studio/client.cljs
<- Cache write: com/vadelabs/studio/client/pages/workspace/profile.cljs (511586 ms)
<- Cache write: com/vadelabs/studio/client/pages/workspace/templates.cljs (679704 ms)
These files were compiling pretty fast around a month ago. Wondering what could be the possible reason for Cache Write to take so much time?


yikes. your disk dying or just (close to) full?


compile also takes super long. this must be something hardware related. never seen times like those.

Pragyan Tripathi06:09:44

Disk is fine:

Filesystem       Size   Used  Avail Capacity  iused      ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk1s1s1  932Gi  8.5Gi  470Gi     2%   356050 4291076982    0%   /
I am trying to trace back the changes and see if I could get to the root cause for this.


I definitely made no changes that would 100.000x regular compile times 😛


at least I would have noticed something 😛


could be your OS doing weird stuff on disk access?


maybe check what else your system is doing while compiling?


I have my doubts that its anything within shadow-cljs itself

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Pragyan Tripathi06:09:43

I am just wondering where to look for debugging these kind of issues. For sure it’s my environment… Whenever I am running shadow-cljs - the java process CPU usage spikes to 200 - 300 % range. Takes up around 3GB of RAM.


jvisualvm is useful for inspecting the JVM and getting a thread dump

👍 1

or just the jstack CLI tool


it could still be the disk though. check the system information for smart errors or so

👍 1

I guess it could be something if you added some kind of profiler/inspection tool that inspects every var and does some logging or whatever?


no clue really


my disk of my mac mini died a couple months ago, it got seriously slow like this too before completely dying

Pragyan Tripathi06:09:51

Let me try different mac - to validate this hypothesis. Thanks a lot.

Pragyan Tripathi09:09:54

Phew! I think I was able to resolve it. So here’s the stupid thing I was doing that led to this: I have written a side-effecting macro - That macro updates the global atom whenever it is called. Based on the configuration stored in the atom - I generate CSS styles. I wrote a code snippet to watch the atom - and write the CSS file whenever the atom watch saw any changes. Things were working fine till the usage of the macro was lower - But as we started using it more and more, the compile time kept increasing. I don’t understand about atom watcher enough to explain this behavior. But we are back to previous compilation time when I removed the atom watch logic and moved it to shadow-cljs build hooks.


yikes, ok good to know


Interesting thing to keep in mind.... if compile times are changing - look for a macro that is misbehaving - since macros run during compile time.


yeah, that wasn't my first thought since they don't run when writing cache. I guess they created so much write pressure for the disk that it just couldn't keep up