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Arjen van Elteren14:09:58

Hi, I am trying to interface with OpenCvSharp. Specifically I want to construct a Mat class. This class has overloaded constructors, some with the same number of arguments.

Arjen van Elteren14:09:46

And I can't get the code in a form that it selects the right one.

Arjen van Elteren14:09:04

I.e. it seems to select the first option, and then complain about types.

Arjen van Elteren14:09:27

to be clear: We have `Mat(Size, MatType)` and `Mat(String, ImreadModes)`

Arjen van Elteren14:09:34

and it selects the second one

Arjen van Elteren14:09:58

With code like:

(let [^Size x (Size. 4 5)
        ^MatType y MatType/CV_64F]
    (Mat.  x  y)))

Arjen van Elteren14:09:27

I get "expected String, got Size"

Arjen van Elteren14:09:10

I've tried to put the type meta's everywhere, but simply cannot get it to work.