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yeah just make them into mp4 files and then you can embed directly in the page with <video> tags. It will be a much smaller download than a GIF that way as well. You can see sites like Imgur or as an example of how it's done


I'm trying to add an attribute to the schema but instead of the dropdowns it says "link not found" -

Dustin Getz15:08:15

@miridius it’s a regression, thanks. will fix when i get home


thanks πŸ™‚ I'm really excited about HyperFiddle so far. I've only been doing web dev for about a year (previously I just worked on the server side), and during that whole year I've been constantly feeling like something like this should exist. The whole pattern of creating a web front end for a DB is way more time consuming that it needs to be, in my opinion. I have a few pages of notes of ideas I've had in the past for tools for making faster prototypes - e.g. where the web layout could be defined based on metadata in the schema (DatSys also does this, but it's got a long ways to go imo), or where prototype development should be a similar level of simplicity to designing an Excel spreadsheet to solve your need - but these were all just ideas, so I'm really happy to see someone else has not only noticed similar needs but has already spent a couple years making a great solution to it πŸ˜„


I'd like to use Hyperfiddle to build the app I'm working on currently. Some things that would be needed before we can publish it though would be custom domains and SSL

Dustin Getz18:08:03

@miridius Thank you! We have custom domains today – its a config box on your domain – "aliases"!domain/~entity('$domains',(:domain!ident,'davidrolle'))

Dustin Getz18:08:27

We can do SSL whenever, we've just been putting it off

Dustin Getz19:08:05

Lets have a higher bandwidth conversation about you using this on your real project over video conference, so i can understand in detail what your needs are


video conference sounds good! I'm currently in California time and free most days (apart from tomorrow) so just let me know when is good for you

Dustin Getz16:08:36

How about Monday evening? 4pm PST?


4pm tomorrow works for me πŸ‘

Dustin Getz21:08:13

Update on schema editor regression, i dont want to rush it in and need to QA more. Soon

πŸ‘ 4