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(about to go to bed but still...)
It's the first stages of old-timers setting in 😜
Happy Saturday morning folks 🙂
Thinking we'll be heading to the beach with the dogs later this morning
Nice. We're just looking forward to a weekend not spent in the emergency room...
Sounds good 🙂 this is really neat.
> In a tech company you should prefer the tools that implement their substantial own language or conventions, such as cram, tf, cmdtest, and rnt. Because these require specialized knowledge, you and your colleagues are likely to have a harder time using them, at least at first, so it will look like you are working harder.
I've been rewriting the tests for pack. I wasn't very pleased with which was turning out to be a little buggy and hard to debug. Urchin (by the author of the above blog) is really nice. I only bumped into one quirk, which is far less than the rest of the ecosystem.
oh, and an annoyance: the TAP output isn't live, it's dumped out at the end, so I can't pipe it into a nyan cat and watch progress or anything
That guys website has a funny homepage, > Considering your browser's user agent or your knowledge of the secret password, I suspect either that you are in no position to hire me or that you can handle real Tom. If I'm wrong, then you you win; I'll just hope that other companies are more ignorant. If you're using IE then probably trying to hire me? 😄