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@mtbkapp Jason it looks like you spent quite a bit of time on the tutorial, what do you think is the most important thing we fix next?
(I am writing you here rather than PM so the logbot can capture it and i can read it again later, Slack history is a huge problem for me right now)
@dustingetz Yeah, so far so good on the tutorial. One thing I did was convert the animated gifs to video files so I could pause and go back easily. I had some trouble with adding a drop down for tshirt sizes like the gender drop down and got into a state where the schema pages, the source page, and the view page were all borked but I can't find the place where I wrote down details on how I got into and out of that state.
@mtbkapp ok cool, You can just screenshot issues into this chat and @ me, I would probably immediately know the answer (and go and fix the bug). What sucked? I'm probably gonna spend all of august on user experience
Ill fix the videos too, thanks
hi @dustingetz, I too would like beta access despite tutorial not being ready. Or do I already have it?
Pls @ me with any questions at all, i am usually here all day every day
first reactions: 1. wow, this is really cool! 2. those GIFs are far too fast to watch
It appears that HTML5 video can let you adjust playback rate on the fly - i will convert them to html5 video this weekend