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Hi, I've just started playing around with Catacumba and Clojure and I wanted to ask a quick question. Most of my routes so far map directly to a database call which I'm wrapping in the Catacumba blocking function. Now I'm moving to routes which invoke multiple blocking calls and so I started by doing everything in a go block (with the blocking calls putting values onto channels when complete) for better expression. However doing this gives the error around the blocking function not being called from a compute thread due to it using the go thread pool . I was wondering what would be the best of way of structuring my code, can I get the blocking calls to work in a go block, or should I replace the blocking call with the thread based put and take async functions ( <!! / >!! ) or should I do something else? Any advice is appreciated!


Hmm, I think using just go and <! is a way to go


in any case this is nothing related directly to catacumba,


if you have async server the blocking calls you should defer them to different pool of execution


go thread pool is an option in this case


the only responsability you have with catacumba is return something that catacumba can understand from the handler


and the core.async channel is already valid abstraction


Yep sorry, I know it's not directly related to catacumba I just wanted some input on preferred approaches. Many thanks for your suggestion, I'll give it a go!