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Found a problem with the desktop
approach above (see 1/28) -- it reopens all buffers, even those which aren't currently displayed, so over time you build up a vast list of open buffers (all that you've ever opened since starting to use this approach, except any you've explicitly killed). I expect there's a reasonable workaround, but wanted to point it out in case anyone else has been trying this approach.
@eggsyntax one workaround i've employed around the general problem of lots of open buffers, is marking old buffers in ibuffer manually
(ibuffer :variables
ibuffer-group-buffers-by 'projects
ibuffer-old-time 8)
8 there is hrs, i think default is 72
Does marking them like that cause them to be automatically killed? If so, do you happen to know what the behavior is if a buffer has unsaved changes?
na marking just 'selects' them, similar to selecting by regex
then there's a separate command to close them, that confirms with you when there are unsaved changes
is the selection function