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No comment syntax is defined. Use: prompts plague me. I think it's never in Clojure contexts - for me it's typically in plain text files running fundamental-mode. Anyone got to fix those?


yeah, faced that some times with different extensions than clojure

Darrick Wiebe15:08:31

I've found issues like this by grep-ing my entire plugin tree and then figuring out what the actual problem is or just disabling the message.


Its when you use comment-region etc. in a major mode... without comment syntax definend. A mode should set the local vars from newcomment.el The prompt asks the user for a comment start syntax, so if you know you can for example say # and it puts # everywhere.

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Is there a way to avoid prompts and not get any specific behavior? i.e. assume I don't care about the problem (at least for now) (note: this problem pops up to me when just opening / scrolling through a buffer. I don't try to run comment-region, AFAIK)


could do debug-on-error to see which code is calling a comment function - this would annoy me too 😛 hack comment-normalize-vars or advice: (advice-add #'comment-normalize-vars :filter-args (defun always-no-error-for-comment-normalize-vars (&rest _) (list t))) One idea is to use # as default


Thanks! Will give it a try

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...for some reason I never gave it a try. But would have worked! I added t ( (comment-normalize-vars t) ) in a few places of cider/clojure-mode today.


Instead of opening a Windows CMD command prompt to run Lein (for Clojure), can I use Lein inside of Emacs ? Like, can I put "lein new app todolistexample" inside Emacs and have it create a project for me ?


Not sure if I understand the question cider-jack-in shoud create a Lein/java process within Emacs. Does it not do that for you?


Yes, I am able to access cider-jack-in in Emacs and run the CIDER REPL. I was just wondering how to run Lein inside of it. (I'm a total newb to this btw lol)


I used Lein to create a new project in the Windows Command prompt .... I was wondering if I can do that inside EMACS instead.


Like if I want to start a new Clojure prject, I'll have to go into the CMD and type "lein new app APPNAME" and it creates the folders for me


got it! What do M-x shell or M-x eshell do for you? (Those are two different shell implementations to choose from)


lemme check


OH SNAPS ! i think thats it !


I used M-x shell and typed "Lein" and it popped up with the Leinengen options !

Evan Bernard16:08:01

i’ve certainly just run arbitrary shell commands with M-! . i’m no stranger to running, e.g. M-! lein deps :tree in emacs

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@U05N5T43AF5 cheers. My first emacs/cider experience was with Windows. That was around 2011 - time flies. Have fun!

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thanks guys, they both worked !!!

Evan Bernard16:08:20

if you’re new to shell-mode, and want to start using it, i’d recommend perusing the manual for it as well 🙂 M-! just works for a single command, but shell-mode provides you with an interactive shell to work with


ahhh I was saying windows command prompt lol but its called SHELL


im gonna check out the manual because EMACS is getting really fun

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Evan Bernard16:08:02

you can always C-h r to open it and C-s to search for whatever you want 😄 like C-s shell for instance 🙂

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WOW !! Extremely helpful !!! thank you lots for those commands !! :face_with_cowboy_hat:

Stig Brautaset16:08:47

I almost never use any other shell than Eshell (`M-x eshell`). It’s very capable.

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NICE !!! What about be the main difference between eshell and shell ??

Stig Brautaset17:08:40

eshell is implemented in Emacs lisp, and you can call many emacs lisp functions from within it. Here’s a great primer:

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heck yeah !! thanks for the link ! gonna read that one now