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Have a question about indentation in clojure-mode . both clojure-mode and clojure-lsp has its own config for indentation. I want to stick with clojure-lsp, how I can apply it to line indent(i.g. the indent behavior each time I press RET )?


not your exact question, but you could apply clojure lsp indent on file save with


in general the var Indent-line-function controls that happens when you push RET


also sometimes var lisp-indent-function does to in clojure mode


For one time format I can do lsp-format-buffer without problem. But it's annoying that the format is different during the typing. I guess lsp only has formatting for whole buffer, there's no line based format?


i’ll defer to someone else, not sure


If you use CIDER: cider alters clojure-mode indentation rules dynamically. And it's possible for CIDER to read .cljfmt.edn dynamically (I have a wip So that would be a possible solution. It technically doesn't use clojure-lsp, but both solutions would essentially use cljfmt and .cljfmt.edn. So the result would be the same. I'm highly interested in formatting being less of a mess (i.e. have most tools follow the same basic rule) so I might look into this again soon.

❤️ 2

I'd be interesting in a feature like that @U0NBGRGD6 as well without the need of a REPL on, I think we could achive this making some minor changes in, like after lsp started, request clojure/serverInfo which will bring cljfmt settings, and then convert to indent config like cider does :)


Should be a nice contribution and not hard to do, LMK if you have interest in contributing :)


I have two questions, Does clojure-lsp provide a way to query cljfmt config? How could clojure-mode handle those rules specified with regexp?


Yes, that's how calva does ATM, it requests clojure/serverInfo which contains the cljfmt setting being used there, there is already a function in lsp-clojure.el requesting that. Good question, maybe check how cider does?


Anybody tried the treesitter mode for Clojure? Any advantages over good old clojure-mode ?

🍿 4

I tried and failed to get Treesitter working with Emacs (didn't have much time), although Treemacs is excellent with Neovim and Clojure. Very fast. In theory, a Clojure-mode on top of Treesitter should be very perfomant and potentially simplify the code in Clojure-mode (or reduce the codebase). But I've only had a cursory glance...

👍 1

I see - I just followed this guide from Mastering Emacs - seems to work out of the box with tsx-/elisp-/makefile- modes. Although I'm on 29.1 version so maybe I why I didn't run into any issues so far


I'm interested to know what difference treesitter makes for Clojure development and if helps, as it seems to be an eventual successor to clojure-mode


I'll try it out and see if I notice anything


one thing that is annoying right now is that major mode hooks have to be updated, e.g. despite instructing emacs to use clojure-ts-mode when clojure-mode is requested, it doesn't know that for clojue-mode-hooks, you have to update all your configuration to use clojure-ts-mode-hooks. You can follow along as I'm updating my config 😉


can you just call clojure-mode-hooks from clojure-ts-mode-hook?


Another option is (add-to-list 'major-mode-remap-alist '(clojure-mode . clojure-ts-mode))


But I guess it won't fix hooks


It won’t, and other major modes that depend on Clojure-mode explicitly (Monroe) seem to break, at least that’s how I’m experiencing it. Gonna wait until tree sitter modes are the default


im daily driving clojure-ts-mode, works great, i love it, although for the moment i set indent functions back to clojure-mode, but that’ll be improved shortly.


if you’re interested in the general ecosystem surrounding treesit, ts-fold, combobulate, DIY stuff, etc there’s advantages , otherwise for now best case scenario you’ll notice no real difference (feature parity is current goal), maybe a slight performance increase


if you’re interested in any non lisp languages, treesit makes it possible to manipulate languages as if they were lisps , in terms of the editing experience you’re probably use to in clojure/paredit/etc


So far I installed a bunch of modes for non-Clojure languages and things seem to work... a bit faster I guess?


couldn't make it work as a replacement for clojure-mode, too many things didn't work for me


not that I'm in desperate need, I don't even use parinfer or similar things 🤷


@U0JEFEZH6 no parinfer? that’s like running with scissors


i’d probably be one of those people ranting about parentheses if not for smartparens + cleverparens, etc


C-M-f & C-M-b is all I need 😉