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Mikko Harju06:08:47

Hi! Back to my question a very long time ago about the problems pulling data through the HTTP API. It seems that the culprit is if I have data such as #object[java.time.LocalDate 0x105ac5b7 "2023-08-18"] – then it fails to parse the EDN properly. What are my options? Coerce it as a string to the storage and parse when pulling back?

Mikko Harju06:08:53

Specific error in this case is

Execution error at xtdb.remote-api-client/edn-list->lazy-seq$fn (remote_api_client.clj:23). No reader function for tag object

Mikko Harju07:08:52

Looking through the source code I see an option XTDB_ENABLE_JAVA_TIME_PRINT_METHODS – maybe I should enable that and just do a round-trip…?

Mikko Harju07:08:50

Then of course the reader in remote-api should be accomodated to read those in

Mikko Harju07:08:21

Clearly I’m missing something since this seems not to be an issue for most…?


yes, the java time print methods should fix that


you use #xtdb/local-date "2023-08-18" for example

Garrett Hopper15:08:50

Can speculative transactions be nested? E.g. calling xt/with-tx on the result of another xt/with-tx? Seems like it may not be?

No implementation of method: :latest-completed-tx of protocol:
   #'xtdb.db/LatestCompletedTx found for class:


Hey @U5JUDH2UE not currently - but please feel free to add your vote & opinion (use case?) to the open issue 🙂

Garrett Hopper15:08:33

Whoops, sorry for not searching the issues first Thank you! 🙂

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