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Drew Verlee11:11:04

Are you (anyone interested) able to follow these and get it working? If so, let me know, then I'll know the issue is on my end...

Drew Verlee21:11:01

and now it (fuzzy search) works, though i changed nothing. wtf.

Drew Verlee21:11:56

whats happening is i seem to get getting two sets of completion the later is "helm completion" i think the former might be offered up by lsp?

Drew Verlee21:11:18

i don't know if thats a problem or what, but it's probably a hint.

Drew Verlee21:11:34

i still get both if i set "lsp-competion-enable" to nil

Drew Verlee21:11:45

you know what, i think it literally does take like 30 seconds to warm up or something. On a fresh restart i don't get the fuzzy search the first couple times then it kicks in.

Drew Verlee21:11:22

I might have some weird issue where sometimes some things don't get loaded in properly or something. That would make a lot of sense given how random my experience with autocomplete seems to be.

Matthew DiLoreto18:11:15

For those who use yasnippet, but can never remember the syntax, you might find this useful: